Since late 2021, Just Security has published over 400 articles analyzing the diplomatic, political, legal, economic, humanitarian, and other issues and consequences of Russia’s war on Ukraine, including many in Ukrainian translation

The catalog below organizes our collection of articles primarily about the war into general categories to facilitate access to relevant topics for policymakers, researchers, journalists, scholars, and the public at large. The archive will be updated as new pieces are published.

We welcome readers to use this catalog to follow the unfolding situation and generate new lines of analysis. To search headlines and authors, expand one or all of the topics, as needed, and use CTRL-F on your keyboard to open the search tool. The archive also is available in reverse chronological order at the Russia-Ukraine War articles page.

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The Just Security Podcast: NATO’s Washington Summit: Russia’s War on Ukraine Tests Alliance
by Ambassador Daniel Fried (@AmbDanFried), Viola Gienger (@violagienger) and Paras Shah (@pshah518) (July 12, 2024)

At the NATO Summit, Strategy and Politics in Play
by Ambassador Daniel Fried (@AmbDanFried) (July 9, 2024)

No, Trump Was Not Good for US Alliances. And Without Changes, Trump 2.0 Will Be Worse.
by Lisa Homel (@LisaHomel) and Ambassador Daniel Fried (@AmbDanFried) (May 3, 2024)

A Simple US Step Can Help Protect Another Imprisoned Democracy Activist in Russia
by Natalia Arno (@Natalia_Budaeva) and Michael Breen (@M_Breen) (April 1, 2024)

The ‘Murky’ Morality of Opposition to US Support for Ukraine: A Response
by Mariana Budjeryn (@mbudjeryn) (October 10, 2023)

At the NATO Summit, Do the Right Thing for Ukraine’s — and Democracy’s — Future
by Ambassador Daniel Fried (@AmbDanFried) (July 7, 2023)
Ukrainian translation: На саміті НАТО, робіть правильні речі для майбутнього України та демократії

Expert Q&A on What International Law Has to Say About Assistance to Russia’s War Against Ukraine
by Catherine Amirfar (May 2, 2023)

Western “Self-Deterrence” is Aiding Putin’s War of Aggression
By Erlingur Erlingsson (@rlingure) and Fridrik Jonsson (@FridrikJonsson) (March 15, 2023)
Ukrainian translation: Західне “самостримування” допомагає агресивній війні Путіна

To Secure Peace in Europe, Bring Ukraine into NATO
by Ambassador Daniel Fried (@AmbDanFried) (March 13, 2023)

Q&A: A Ukrainian MP on National Unity and the Drive for the World’s Support
by Ukrainian MP Kira Rudik (@kiraincongress) and Viola Gienger (@violagienger) (February 22, 2023)

In War, Ukraine’s Parliament Asserts Its Democratic Role
by Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko (@GoncharenkoUa) (February 22, 2023)

The United Nations in Hindsight: The Security Council, One Year After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
by Rodrigo Saad (January 31, 2023)

Historic UNGA Resolution Calls for Ukraine Reparations
by Chiara Giorgetti (@ChiaraLawProf), Markiyan Kliuchkovsky (@kliuch), Patrick Pearsall (@Pwpearsall) and Jeremy K. Sharpe (@JKSharpe1648) (November 16, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Історична резолюція Генеральної Асамблеї ООН закликає до виплати репарацій Україні

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Fight Can Overcome US Skeptics
by Joshua Rudolph (@JoshRudes) and Norman L. Eisen (@NormEisen) (November 10, 2022) 

UN Efforts on Ukraine, However Imperfect, Highlight Importance of International Cooperation
by Suzanne Nossel (@SuzanneNossel) (November 3, 2022)

Poland’s Judicial Reform Falls Short of EU Expectations, Complicating Cooperation Against Russia
by Kristie Bluett, Jasmine Cameron and Scott Cullinane (@ScottPCullinane) (October 3, 2022)

How Congress Should Designate Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism
by Ingrid (Wuerth) Brunk (@WuerthIngrid) (September 27, 2022)

Mexico’s Initiative for Dialogue and Peace in Ukraine
by Ambassador H.E. Huan Ramón de la Fuente and Pablo Arrocha Olabuenaga (September 23, 2022)

Richard Gowan on Ukraine and How Russia’s War Reverberates at the United Nations
by Richard Gowan (September 20, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Річард Гоуен про Україну та те, як російська війна дається взнаки в ООН

The UN’s Summit of the Future: Advancing Multilateralism in an Age of Hypercompetitive Geopolitics
by Richard Ponzio and Joris Larik (@JorisLarik) (September 16, 2022)

On Ukraine, Beware the Pitfalls of Interim Peacemaking Deals
by Valery Perry (July 18, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Щодо України: остерігайтеся пасток тимчасових миротворчих угод

Russia Should Not be Designated a State Sponsor of Terrorism
by Ingrid Wuerth (@WuerthIngrid) (July 11, 2022)

Heed the Lessons From 2011 Libya to Prevail in Ukraine Today
by Ambassador (ret.) Gordon Gray (@AmbGordonGray) (June 28, 2022)

An Offer NATO Cannot (and Should Not) Refuse: Finland’s Membership
by Laleh Ispahani (@lispahani) (May 12, 2022)

Remarks at UN Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting on Ensuring Accountability for Atrocities Committed by Russia in Ukraine
by Amal Clooney (April 28, 2022)

The United Nations in Hindsight: Challenging the Power of the Security Council Veto
by Shamala Kandiah Thompson (@skandiah), Karin Landgren (@LandgrenKarin) and Paul Romita (@PaulRomita) (April 28, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Організація Об’єднаних Націй в ретроспективі: виклики для права вето в Раді Безпеки ООН

How the War in Ukraine Illustrates the Weakness of US Policy Toward Africa
by Aude Darnal (@audedarnal) (April 18, 2022)

In Ukraine, There Are No Quick Fixes
by John Erath (April 8, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: В Україні немає швидких вирішень проблем 

Does the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ Require States to go to War with Russia?
by Rebecca Barber (@becjbarber) (March 25, 2022)

Why Pushing Russia Out of Multilateral Institutions is Not a Solution to the War
by Fionnuala Ní Aoláin (March 22, 2022)

United Nations Response Options to Russia’s Aggression: Opportunities and Rabbit Holes
by Larry D. Johnson (March 1, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Варіанти реагування ООН на російську агресію: можливості та “підводні камені”

Ukraine: Unleashing the Rhetorical Dogs of War
by Barry Posen (February 15, 2022)

In 11th-Hour Diplomacy, US and Europe Try to Stop Putin From Escalating War on Ukraine
by Ambassador Daniel Fried (@AmbDanFried) (February 13, 2022)

As Putin Lines Ukraine Border with Russian Troops, Is There a China Factor?
by Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. (@tgrahamjr) (January 24, 2022)

Sanctions and Economic Consequences
Diplomatic - Political Accountability
Putin and Russia’s Political Dynamics

The Undesirable Journey of Vladimir Kara-Murza: Challenging Russia’s Repression
by Natalia Arno (@Natalia_Budaeva) (July 10, 2024)

The Just Security Podcast: A Russian Legal Scholar in Exile on the Future of Resistance to Putin
Paras Shah (@pshah518) and Viola Gienger (@violagienger) interview with Gleb Bogush (@gleb_bogush) (March 29, 2024)

Putin’s Staged Election Belies Resistance — Russian Court Data Tells the Real Story
by Roman Badanin (@RBadanin) (March 15, 2024)

Russian Opposition Searches for Shreds of Hope After Navalny’s Death
by Ekaterina Kotrikadze (@katyakotrikadze) (February 23, 2024)

Navalny’s Death and the Kremlin
by Ambassador Daniel Fried (@AmbDanFried) (February 16, 2024)

How Does Putin’s Response to Prigozhin’s Mutiny Change the Threat from Russia?
by Douglas London (@douglaslondon5) (July 5, 2023)

Wagner Chief’s Mutiny in Russia: Cautionary Notes on Early Assessments
by Viola Gienger (@violagienger) (June 26, 2023)

Russia’s Assault on Ukraine Exposes US, Allied Gaps in Preparing for Great-Power War
by Ambassador (ret) John E. Herbst (@JohnEdHerbst) and Jennifer Cafarella (@JennyCafarella) (November 30, 2022)

Putin’s War Against Ukraine and the Risks of Rushing to Negotiations
by Ambassador Daniel Fried (@AmbDanFried) (November 9, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Війна Путіна проти України та ризики поспішного ведення переговорів

Putin Eyes Italy’s Political Crisis for Potential Benefits in Peeling Away Support for Ukraine
by Dario Cristiani (@med_eye) (July 19, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Путін розглядає політичну кризу в Італії з точки зору потенційної вигоди для послаблення підтримки України

Putin’s Next Play in Ukraine–And How the US and Allies Can Prepare
by Ambassador Daniel Fried (@AmbDanFried) (April 15, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Наступний акт Путіна в Україні – і як США та союзники можуть підготуватися

Putin’s Real Fear: Ukraine’s Constitutional Order
by Philip Bobbitt and Viola Gienger (@ViolaGienger) (March 24, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Справжній страх Путіна: Конституційний лад України

A Simulated President’s Daily Brief on Putin and Ukraine
by Brianna Rosen (@rosen_br) (March 2, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Змодельований щоденний звіт президента про Путіна та Україну

Putin’s Coercion on NATO Goes Beyond Its Open Door Policy
by Steven Keil (@stevenckeil) (January 28, 2022)

Influencing Putin’s Calculus: The Information War and the Russian Public
by Viola Gienger (@ViolaGienger) (March 3, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Вплив на плани Путіна: інформаційна війна та російський народ

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Is Essentially Not About NATO
by Maria Popova (@PopovaProf) and Oxana Shevel (@OxanaShevel) (February 24, 2022)

Retired Russian Generals Criticize Putin Over Ukraine, Renew Call for His Resignation
by Anders Åslund (@Anders_Aslund) (February 9, 2022)

Military Aid and Humanitarian Aid and Operations

Ukraine Shows that Military Aid Transparency is Possible
by Elias Yousif (August 18, 2023)

Why President Biden Should Not Transfer Prohibited Cluster Bombs to Ukraine
by Daryl G. Kimball (@DarylGKimball) (July 3, 2023)

Are Methods of Naval Warfare at Risk Under “Qualified” Neutrality? Expert Q&A from Stockton Center’s Russia-Ukraine Conference
by W. Casey Biggerstaff (@biggerstaff_wc) (March 10, 2023)

Can Aid or Assistance Be a Use of Force?: Expert Q&A from Stockton Center’s Russia-Ukraine Conference
by W. Casey Biggerstaff (@biggerstaff_wc) (March 2, 2023)

Voices from the Frontlines of Democracy in Ukraine: Supporting and Protecting Civil Society
by Lauren Van Metre (@resilienceworks) (February 24, 2023)

On Ukraine, Europeans Are Doing More Than Many Seem to Think
by Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff (@KleineBrockhoff) and James H. Sallembien (@JHSallembien) (February 3, 2023)

The “Leahy Laws” and U.S. Assistance to Ukraine
by Sarah Harrison (May 9, 2022)

Articulating Arms Control Law in the EU’s Lethal Military Assistance to Ukraine
by Tomas Hamilton (@tomhamilton) (March 30, 2022)
Italian Translation: La Legge sul Controllo delle Armi nell’Ambito dell’Assistenza Militare da Parte dell’Unione Europea all’Ucraina

Neutrality in Humanitarian Actions Means Talking to All Parties to a Conflict
by Hajer Naili (@h_naili) (March 28, 2022)

U.S. Under Secretary of State Nuland on Accelerating Aid to Ukraine and Sanctions Against Russia
by Viola Gienger (@ViolaGienger) (March 9, 2022)

Humanitarian Corridors in Ukraine: Impasse, Ploy or Narrow Passage of Hope?
by David Matyas (@DavidgMatyas) (March 8, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Гуманітарні коридори в Україні: глухий кут, підступна витівка чи вузький промінь надії?

Cyber Operations
Reconstruction, Reparations, Transitional Justice

Making Russia Pay to Strengthen Ukraine
by Svitlana Starosvit (July 30, 2024)

Looking Ahead from Lviv: Sustainable Development in a Post-Conflict Ukraine
by Lucina A. Low (June 21, 2024)

Women Are at the Center of Ukraine’s Path to Justice and Recovery
by Kateryna Busol (@KaterynaBusol) and Fionnuala Ní Aoláin (@NiAolainF) (May 17, 2024)

The Register of Damages for Ukraine Opens for Claims Submissions
by Chiara Giorgetti (@ChiaraLawProf) (May 16, 2024)

Planning for Ukrainian Reintegration
by Ronald A. Brand (April 3, 2024)

Past Time to Liquidate Russian Assets
by Harold Hongju Koh (@haroldhongjukoh) (March 5, 2024)

Transferring Russian Assets to Compensate Ukraine: Some Reflections on Countermeasures
by Federica Paddeu (@federica_paddeu) (March 1, 2024)

Canada’s Special Economic Measures Act Under International Law
by Preston Lim (@PrestonJordanL1) (February 27, 2024)

Reparations for Ukraine: Three Proposals from Europe
by Philippa Webb (February 26, 2024)

Sovereign Immunity and Reparations in Ukraine
by Chimène Keitner (February 21, 2024)

Sovereign Immunity and Reparations in Ukraine
by Chimène Keitner (February 21, 2024)

Decisions Without Enforcement: Ukrainian Judiciary and Compensation for War Damages
by Ivan Horodyskyy (February 21, 2024)

How to Make Russia Pay to Rebuild Ukraine
by Maggie Mills, Thomas Poston (@thomas_poston) and Oona A. Hathaway (@oonahathaway) (February 20, 2024)

Introducing Just Security’s Series on Reparations in Russia’s War Against Ukraine
by Megan Corrarino (@megancorrarino) (February 20, 2024)

Extend US Leadership on Ukraine to Post-War Reconstruction Too
by Joshua Rudolph (@JoshRudes), Norman L. Eisen (@NormEisen) and Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff (@KleineBrockhoff) (December 22, 2022)

Historic UNGA Resolution Calls for Ukraine Reparations
by Chiara Giorgetti (@ChiaraLawProf), Markiyan Kliuchkovsky (@kliuch), Patrick Pearsall (@Pwpearsall) and Jeremy K. Sharpe (@JKSharpe1648) (November 16, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Історична резолюція Генеральної Асамблеї ООН закликає до виплати репарацій Україні

The Risks and Rewards of Planning for Ukraine’s Recovery Amid Ongoing War
by Ray Salvatore Jennings (@raysjennings) (September 29, 2022)

Transitional Justice in Ukraine: Guidance to Policymakers
by Kateryna Busol (@KaterynaBusol) and Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) (June 2, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Перехідне правосуддя в Україні: рекомендації для полісімейкерів

Mariupol and the Origins and Avenues of Ukraine’s Transitional Justice Process
by Kateryna Busol (@KaterynaBusol) (June 1, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Маріуполь і зародження та перспективи перехідного правосуддя в Україні

Launching an International Claims Commission for Ukraine
by Chiara Giorgetti (@ChiaraLawProf), Markiyan Kliuchkovsky (@kliuch) and Patrick Pearsall (@Pwpearsall) (May 20, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Створення міжнародної спеціальної комісії для України

War’s Aftermath in Ukraine: Preparing Now for the Day After
by Ray Salvatore Jennings (@raysjennings) (May 5, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Наслідки війни в Україні: готуємося зараз до прийдешнього дня

War Reparations for Ukraine: Key Issues
by Laurie Blank (May 2, 2022)

Focus on Accountability Risks Overshadowing Ukraine’s Reconstruction Needs
by Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) (April 21, 2022)

Reflections on War and International Law

The Just Security Podcast: International Law in the Face of Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine: The View from Lviv
Paras Shah (@pshah518) interview with Kateryna Busol (@KaterynaBusol), Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton), Olga Butkevych, and Gregory Shaffer (@gregorycshaffer) (March 15, 2024)

Where is the International Law We Believed in Ukraine?
by Harold Hongju Koh (@haroldhongjukoh) (March 14, 2024)

International Law in the Face of Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine: The View from Lviv
by Olga Butkevych, Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) and Gregory Shaffer (@gregorycshaffer) (February 22, 2024)
Ukrainian translation: Міжнародне право в умовах російської агресії в Україні: Погляд зі Львова

Success or Failure in Ukraine?
by Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. (@tgrahamjr) and David Bernell (January 12, 2024)

Compromises on Territory, Legal Order, and World Peace: The Fate of International Law Lies on Ukraine’s Borders
by Maksym Vishchyk (@Maks_Vishchyk) and Jeremy Pizzi (October 6, 2023)
Ukrainian translation:  Поступки щодо територій, правопорядку та світового миру: доля міжнародного права спочиває на кордонах України

Lessons From a Year of War in Ukraine
by John Erath (March 1, 2023)

One Year On: If Ukraine Falls, the Global Consequences Will Haunt the World for Generations
by Mark Malloch-Brown (@malloch_brown) (February 24, 2023)

The Law of Treaties in Wartime: The Case of the Black Sea Grain Initiative
by Gregor Novak (@GregorNovak) and Helmut Aust (@AustHelmut) (November 10, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Право міжнародних договорів у воєнний час: приклад Чорноморської зернової ініціативи

Stop Saying “Annexed Territories”: Alternatives to the Bully’s Term
by Jens Iverson (@JensIverson) (October 5, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Припиніть говорити «анексовані території»: альтернативи терміну агресора

Q&A on Russia-Backed Referendums in Eastern Ukraine and International Law
by Eliav Lieblich (@eliavl) and Just Security (September 24, 2022)

Bargaining About War in the Shadow of International Law
by Eyal Benvenisti (@EBenvenisti) and Amichai Cohen (March 28, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Переговори щодо війни в тіні міжнародного права

Insight from Ukraine: Revitalizing Belief in International Law
by Maksym Vishchyk (March 18, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Погляд з України: відроджуючи віру в міжнародне право

Putin Can’t Destroy the International Order by Himself
by Oona Hathaway (@oonahathaway) and Scott Shapiro (@scottjshapiro) (February 24, 2022)

War Powers, Neutrality, Cobelligerancy, and State Responsibility
The Crime of Aggression

Rights of National Minorities in Armed Conflict: A Ukrainian Perspective
by Olga Butkevych (August 29, 2024)

A Reply to Chris O’Meara: Necessity and Proportionality in International Law on the Use of Force
by Dor Hai (August 27, 2024)

Ukraine’s Incursion into Kursk Oblast: A Lawful Case of Defensive Invasion?
by Chris O’Meara (@ChrisOmeara_) (August 23, 2024)

International Enough? A Council of Europe Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression
by Gaiane Nuridzhanian (June 3, 2024)

Amid Russia’s Aggression Towards Ukraine, Can Religious Freedom Endure?
by Yuliia Fysun (May 10, 2024)

Symposium: International Law in Ukraine — The View from Lviv
by Just Security (April 5, 2024)

Prosecuting the Crime of Aggression in Ukraine and Beyond: Seizing Opportunities, Confronting Challenges and Avoiding False Dilemmas
by Taras Leshkovych (@TLeshkovych) and Patryk I. Labuda (@pilabuda) (April 2, 2024)

On Double Jeopardy, the ICC, and the Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression
by Gaiane Nuridzhanian and Carrie McDougall (@IntLawCarrie) (January 18, 2024)

Making Counter-Hegemonic International Law: Should A Special Tribunal for Aggression be International or Hybrid?
by Patryk I. Labuda (@pilabuda) (September 19, 2023)

Accountability for Russian Imperialism in the “Global East”
by Patryk I. Labuda (@pilabuda) (August 21, 2023)

A Significant New Step in the Creation of An International Compensation Mechanism for Ukraine
by Chiara Giorgetti (@ChiaraLawProf) and Patrick Pearsall (@Pwpearsall) (July 27, 2023)

The Brussels Declaration: Russian International and Human Rights Lawyers’ Statement on Accountability
by Gleb Bogush (@gleb_bogush) and Sergey Vasiliev (@sevslv) (June 12, 2023)

The Lithuanian Case for an International Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine
by Dr. Gabija Grigaitė-Daugirdė (June 1, 2023)

An International Special Tribunal is the Only Viable Path to a Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine
by Ambassador Rein Tammsaar (May 9, 2023)

U.N. General Assembly and International Criminal Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine
by Just Security (@just_security) (May 9, 2023)

The Legal Authority to Create a Special Tribunal to Try the Crime of Aggression Upon the Request of the UN General Assembly
by Oona A. HathawayMaggie Mills and Heather Zimmerman (May 5, 2023)

Don’t be Fooled by U.S. Smoke and Mirrors on the Crime of Aggression
by Jennifer Trahan (April 14, 2023)

The United States’ Proposal on Prosecuting Russians for the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine is a Step in the Right Direction
by Michael Scharf, Paul R. Williams (@PaulWilliamsDC), Yvonne Dutton and Milena Sterio (@MilenaSterio) (April 6, 2023)

An Assessment of the United States’ New Position on An Aggression Tribunal for Ukraine
by Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) (March 29, 2023)

Is Amending the Rome Statute the Panacea Against Perceived Selectivity and Impunity for the Crime of Aggression Committed Against Ukraine?
by Astrid Reisinger Coracini (@astrid_coracini) (March 21, 2023)
Ukrainian translation: Чи є внесення змін до Римського статуту панацеєю від очевидної вибірковості та безкарності за злочин агресії, вчинений проти України?

A Pragmatic Legal Approach to End Russia’s Aggression
by Luis Moreno Ocampo (@MorenoOcampo1) (February 23, 2023)

Letter to Editor: On So-Called Selectivity and a Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine
by Chile Eboe-Osuji (@EboeOsuji) (February 10, 2023)

Why a “Hybrid” Ukrainian Tribunal on the Crime of Aggression Is Not the Answer
by Jennifer Trahan (February 6, 2023)

In Evaluating Immunities before a Special Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine, the Type of Tribunal Matters
by James A. Goldston (@JamesAGoldston) and Anna Khalfaoui (@Anna_Khalfaoui) (February 1, 2023)

The Ukraine War and the Crime of Aggression: How to Fill the Gaps in the International Legal System
by Claus Kress, Stephan Hobe and Angelika Nußberger (@ahnussberger) (January 23, 2023)

Toward an Interim Prosecutor’s Office in The Hague for the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine
by Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) (January 17, 2023)

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Committed Against Ukraine (Part VI): on the Non-Applicability of Personal Immunities
by Astrid Reisinger Coracini (@astrid_coracini) and Jennifer Trahan (November 8, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Аргументи щодо створення Спеціального трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України

Forging a Cooperative Relationship Between Int’l Crim. Court and a Special Tribunal for Russian Aggression Against Ukraine
by Ambassador David Scheffer (October 25, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Налагодження співпраці між МКС і Спеціальним трибуналом переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Committed Against Ukraine (Part IV)
by Ambassador David Scheffer (September 28, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Аргументи щодо створення Спеціального трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine (Part III)
by Jennifer Trahan (September 26, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Аргументи щодо створення Спеціального трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine (Part II)
by Astrid Reisinger Coracini (@astrid_coracini) (September 23, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Аргументи щодо створення Спеціального трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України

The Case for Creating an International Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine
by Oona Hathaway (@oonahathaway) (September 20, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Аргументи щодо створення Міжнародного трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України

Justice for the Crime of Aggression Today, Deterrence for the Aggressive Wars of Tomorrow: A Ukrainian Perspective
by Gaiane Nuridzhanian (@ya_chereshnya) (August 24, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Справедливість щодо злочину агресії сьогодні, стримування агресивних війн завтра: українська перспектива

Using the 1933 Soviet Definition of Aggression to Condemn Russia Today
by Kathryn Sikkink (May 24, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Аргументи щодо створення Міжнародного трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України

Toward a Better Accounting of the Human Toll in Putin’s War of Aggression
by Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) and Ambassador (ret.) Keith Harper (@AmbHarper) (May 24, 2022)

Model Indictment for the Crime of Aggression Committed against Ukraine
by James A. Goldston (@JamesAGoldston) (May 9, 2022)

The Best Path for Accountability for the Crime of Aggression Under Ukrainian and International Law
by Alexander Komarov and Oona Hathaway (@oonahathaway) (April 11, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Найкращий шлях довідповідальності за злочин агресії за українським та міжнародним правом

Ukraine’s Constitutional Constraints: How to Achieve Accountability for the Crime of Aggression
by Alexander Komarov and Oona Hathaway (@oonahathaway) (April 5, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Конституційні обмеження України: як домогтися відповідальності за злочин агресії

The Need to Reexamine the Crime of Aggression’s Jurisdictional Regime
by Jennifer Trahan (April 4, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Необхідність перегляду юрисдикційного режиму злочину агресії

Complicity in a War of Aggression: Private Individuals’ Criminal Responsibility
by Nikola Hajdin (April 1, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Співучасть в агресивній війні: кримінальна відповідальність приватних осіб

Litigating Aggression Backwards
by Frédéric Mégret (@fredericmegret) (March 22, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Судовий розгляд агресії в обхідний спосіб

The Leadership Clause in the Crime of Aggression and Its Customary International Law Status
by Nikola Hajdin (March 17, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Положення щодо лідерства у злочині агресії та його статус у міжнародному звичаєвому праві

Model Indictment for Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Prosecutor v. President Vladimir Putin
by Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) and Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) (March 14, 2022)

Mechanisms for Criminal Prosecution of Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine
by Tom Dannenbaum (@tomdannenbaum) (March 10, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Механізми кримінального переслідування агресії Росії проти України

How the Soviet Union Helped Establish the Crime of Aggressive War
by Francine Hirsch (@FranHirsch) (March 9, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Як Радянський Союз допоміг закріпити концепцію злочину агресивної війни
Russian translation: Как Советский Союз помог установить преступление агрессивной войны

U.N. General Assembly Should Recommend Creation Of Crime Of Aggression Tribunal For Ukraine: Nuremberg Is Not The Model
by Jennifer Trahan (March 7, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Генеральна Асамблея ООН повинна рекомендувати створення трибуналу для України щодо злочину агресії: Нюрнберг – це не модель

Statement by Members of the International Law Association Committee on the Use of Force
by Just Security (March 4, 2022)

Civilian Harm, Crimes Against Humanity, and War Crimes

Death Toll Climbs in Ukraine With Russia’s ‘Double-Tap’ Strikes
by Mercedes Sapuppo (@MKSapuppo) and Shelby Magid (@shelbyjmag) (July 8, 2024)

Russia’s Attacks on Ukraine’s Energy Infrastructure Imperil Healthcare Access
by Mercedes Sapuppo (@MKSapuppo) and Shelby Magid (@shelbyjmag) (July 8, 2024)

Russia’s Attacks on Ukraine’s Energy Infrastructure Imperil Healthcare Access
by Uliana Poltavets and Christian De Vos (@devos_christian) (June 6, 2024)

A Quarter Century After the Ottawa Landmine Treaty, the World Needs a UN Fund for Victims
by Ben Keith (@BenCAKeith) (April 9, 2024)

Trials of Ukrainian Prisoners of War in Russia: Decay of the Combatant’s Immunity
by Maksym Vishchyk (@Maks_Vishchyk) (August 21, 2023)
Ukrainian translation:  Суди над українськими військовополоненими в Росії: руйнація імунітету комбатанта

What You Need to Know: International Humanitarian Law and Russia’s Termination of the Black Sea Grain Initiative
by Tom Dannenbaum (@tomdannenbaum) (July 28, 2023)

Bad for the Goose, Bad for the Gander: Drone Attacks in Russia Underscore Broader Risks
by Brianna Rosen (@rosen_br) (June 8, 2023)

Expert Q&A on IHL Compliance in Russia’s War in Ukraine
by Jelena Pejic (April 7, 2023)

Time Is On Ukraine’s Side, Not Russia’s
by Maria Popova (@PopovaProf) and Oxana Shevel (@OxanaShevel) (December 21, 2022)

The Case for the International Crime of Domicide
by Balakrishnan Rajagopal (@adequatehousing) and Raphael A. Pangalangan (@ApaPangalangan) (October 28, 2022)

Why We Need the Alien Tort Statute Clarification Act Now
by Christopher Ewell, Oona A. Hathaway (@oonahathaway) and Ellen Nohle (October 27, 2022) 

Extremist Ideologies and the Roots of Mass Atrocities: Lessons for Ukraine
by Jonathan Leader Maynard (@jleadermaynard) (October 14, 2022) 

Russian Torture and American (Selective) Memory
by Joseph Margulies (October 13, 2022)

‘The Hour These Hostilities Began’: Ukrainians Mobilize to Document War Crimes
by Roman Romanov (@r_romanov) (April 26, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: «Година, коли почалися бойові дії»: українці мобілізуються задля документування воєнних злочинів

Legal Frameworks for Assessing the Use of Starvation in Ukraine
by Tom Dannenbaum (@tomdannenbaum) (April 22, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Правові рамки для оцінки використання морення голодом в Україні

The OSCE Report on War Crimes in Ukraine: Key Takeaways
by Adil Ahmad Haque (@AdHaque110) (April 15, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Звіт ОБСЄ про воєнні злочини в Україні: ключові висновки

Should We Worry that the President Called Putin a “War Criminal” Out Loud?
by Deborah Pearlstein (@DebPearlstein) (April 8, 2022)

Mass Graves in Ukraine Should Be Treated as Crime Scenes–and Urgently Secured
by Sarah Knuckey (@SarahKnuckey) and Anjli Parrin (@anjliparrin) (April 6, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Масові поховання в Україні слід розглядати як місце скоєння злочину – і терміново убезпечувати

Ukraine May Mark a Turning Point in Documenting War Crimes
by Justin Hendrix (@justinhendrix) (March 28, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Україна може стати поворотним моментом у документуванні воєнних злочинів

Russia’s “Occupation by Proxy” of Eastern Ukraine – Implications Under the Geneva Conventions
by Natia Kalandarishvili-Mueller (@natiakalanda) (February 22, 2022)

Nuclear Weapons, Cluster Munitions, Other Arms

Beating Putin’s Game of Nuclear Chicken
by Douglas London (@douglaslondon5) (March 21, 2024)

The CFE Treaty’s Demise and the OSCE: Time to Think Anew?
by Gabriela Iveliz Rosa Hernández (@GabrielaIRosa) and Alexander Graef (@alxgraef) (December 13, 2023)

U.S. Cluster Munition Transfer to Ukraine Ignores History of Civilian Harm
by Bonnie Docherty (@bonnie_docherty) (July 14, 2023)

Addressing Putin’s Nuclear Threat: Thinking Like the Cold War KGB Officer That He Was
by Douglas London (@douglaslondon5) (October 18, 2022)

Dealing with Putin’s Nuclear Blackmail
by Ambassador Daniel Fried (@AmbDanFried) (September 28, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Боротьба з ядерним шантажем Путіна

Russia’s Nuclear Threat Inflation: Misguided and Dangerous
by Lawrence Korb (@LarryKorb) and Stephen Cimbala (May 31, 2022)

U.S. Policy on Cluster Munitions and Russia’s War in Ukraine
by Stephen Pomper (@StephenPomper) (May 4, 2022)

Russian Landmines in Ukraine: The Most Relevant Treaty
by Michael Matheson (April 25, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Російські наземні міни в Україні: найбільш актуальний договір

Why the War in Ukraine Poses a Greater Nuclear Risk than the Cuban Missile Crisis
by Lawrence Korb (@LarryKorb) and Stephen Cimbala (April 12, 2022)

Russia’s Use of Cluster Munitions and Other Explosive Weapons Shows Need for Stronger Civilian Protections
by Bonnie Docherty (March 21, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Використання Росією касетних боєприпасів та іншої вибухової зброї свідчить про необхідність посилення захисту цивільного населення

Cultural Heritage
International Criminal Law and the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Unforced Error: Article 124 and the Regrettable Caveat to Ukraine’s Proposed Ratification of the ICC Statute
by Tom Dannenbaum (@tomdannenbaum)

The Just Security Podcast: ICC Arrest Warrants for Russian Attacks on Ukraine’s Power Grid
by Kateryna Busol (@KaterynaBusol), Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton), Parash Shah (@pshah518), Audrey Balliette and Harrison Blank (June 28, 2024)

Deportation, Detention, and Other Crimes: In Ukraine, the Past and Present of International Criminal Law Converge
by Andrew Boyle (April 9, 2024)

No Longer the Silent Victim: How Ukrainian Prosecutors Are Revitalizing Environmental War Crime Law
by Richard J. Rogers, Kate Mackintosh (@Katemackintosh2) and Maksym Popov (January 23, 2024)

Digital Evidence Collection at the Int’l Criminal Court: Promises and Pitfalls
by Hayley Evans (@HayleyNEvans) and Mahir Hazim (July 5, 2023)
Ukrainian translation: Збір цифрових доказів у Міжнародному кримінальному суді: Обіцянки та підводні камені

Could the Nova Kakhovka Dam Destruction Become the ICC’s First Environmental Crimes Case?
by Thomas Hansen (June 9, 2023)

Assessing the Controversial Meeting of a U.N. Official and Russian Official Wanted for Arrest in the Hague
by Ryan Goodman (May 22, 2023)
Ukrainian translation: Оцінка контроверсійної зустрічі представника ООН та російської чиновниці, яку розшукують для арешту в Гаазі

Conferred Jurisdiction and the ICC’s Putin and Lvova-Belova Warrants
by Leila Nadya Sadat (@leilasadat1) (April 21, 2023)

How will the ICC’s Arrest Warrant for Putin Play Out in Practice?
by Stephen Pomper (@StephenPomper) (March 20, 2023)
Ukrainian translation: Чим обернеться на практиці ордер МКС на арешт Путіна?

The ICC Goes Straight to the Top: Arrest Warrant Issued for Putin
by Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) (March 17, 2023)
Ukrainian translation: МКС розпочинає з верхівки: видано ордер на арешт Путіна

Russia’s Forcible Transfers of Ukrainian Civilians: How Civil Society Aids Accountability and Justice
by Oleksandra Matviichuk (@avalaina), Natalia Arno (@Natalia_Budaeva) and Jasmine D. Cameron (@JasmineDCameron) (March 3, 2023)
Ukrainian translation: Насильницьке переміщення Росією українських цивільних осіб: Громадянське суспільство, підзвітність, справедливість

Just Security Experts Give Address at Int’l Criminal Court’s Assembly of State Parties Side Event
by Just Security (December 7, 2022)

Amid the Russia-Ukraine War, a Dutch Court Prepares to Rule on Four Suspects in the 2014 Downing of Flight MH17
by Marieke de Hoon (@mariekedehoon) (November 15, 2022)

The War in Ukraine and the Legitimacy of the International Criminal Court
By Milena Sterio (@MilenaSterio) and Yvonne Dutton (August 30, 2022)

How International Justice Can Succeed in Ukraine and Beyond
by Christopher “Kip” Hale (@kiphale) and Leila Nadya Sadat (@leilasadat1) (April 14, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Як міжнародне правосуддя може досягти успіху в Україні та за її межами

How Not to Fail on International Criminal Justice for Ukraine
by James A. Goldston (@JamesAGoldston) (March 21, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Як не зазнати невдачі у міжнародному кримінальному правосудді для України

The Way: The Chief Prosecutor, the Int’l Criminal Court, and Ukraine
by David Schwendiman (March 20, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Шлях: Головний прокурор, Міжнародний кримінальний суд та Україна

Aggression by P5 Security Council Members: Time for ICC Referrals by the General Assembly
by Shane Darcy (@BHRIblog) (March 16, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Агресія з боку постійних членів Ради Безпеки: час для передачі ситуацій до МКС Генеральною Асамблеєю

With the Int’l Criminal Court Going In, Russian Soldiers Should Go Home
by Chile Eboe-Osuji (@EboeOsuji) (March 4, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: З початком роботи МКС, російські солдати мають повернутись додому

The Int’l Criminal Court’s Ukraine Investigation: A Test Case for User-Generated Evidence
by Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) and Lindsay Freeman (@lindsaysfreeman) (March 2, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Розслідування МКС в Україні: краш-тест для доказів, створених користувачами

ICC and the United States

Biden’s Cooperation with the ICC Is a Step Toward Embracing Reality
by Adam Keith (@adamofkeith) (August 18, 2023)

Joint Symposium on U.S. Cooperation with the International Criminal Court’s Ukraine Investigation
by Just Security (July 17, 2023)

Is the Pentagon Relenting?: A Close Study of Opposition to the Int’l Criminal Court’s Ukraine Investigation
by Adam Keith (@adamofkeith) (July 12, 2023)

US Cooperation with the ICC to Investigate and Prosecute Atrocities in Ukraine: Possibilities and Challenges
by Laura Dickinson (@LA_Dickinson) (June 20, 2023)
Ukrainian translation: Співпраця США з МКС у розслідуванні та злочинів в Україні: Можливості та виклики

Unpacking New Legislation on US Support for the International Criminal Court
by Todd Buchwald (March 9, 2023)

Almost There: When Will the Biden Administration Support the ICC in Ukraine?
by Adam Keith (@adamofkeith) (March 4, 2023)

The United States Can and Should Broadly Contribute to the Trust Fund for Victims (Part IV)
by Yvonne Dutton and Milena Sterio (@MilenaSterio) (February 16, 2023)

The Binding Interpretation of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Laws Constraining US Engagement with the ICC (Part III)
by Floriane Lavaud (@FlorianeLavaud), Ashika Singh and Isabelle Glimcher (@Isglimcher) (February 15, 2023) 

The American Servicemembers’ Protection Act and the Dodd Amendment: Shaping United States Engagement with the ICC (Part II)
by Floriane Lavaud (@FlorianeLavaud), Ashika Singh and Isabelle Glimcher (@Isglimcher) (February 14, 2023) 

U.S. Strategic Interests in Contributing to the ICC Trust Fund for Victims (Part I)
by Paul R. Williams (@PaulWilliamsDC), Alexandra Koch (@alexandraekoch) and Lilian Waldock (February 13, 2023)

Introducing the Symposium on U.S. Support for the ICC’s Trust Fund for Victims
by Paul R. Williams (@PaulWilliamsDC), Milena Sterio (@MilenaSterio), Yvonne Dutton, Alexandra Koch (@alexandraekoch), Lilian Waldock, Floriane Lavaud (@FlorianeLavaud), Ashika Singh and Isabelle Glimcher (@IsGlimcher) (February 13, 2023)

Republicans Pave Way for US Policy Shift on Int’l Criminal Court
by Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) (April 13, 2022)

Pressing US Officials on Russia and Int’l Criminal Court: The Interview We Should be Hearing
by Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) (April 6, 2022)

Russia, the Int’l Criminal Court, and the Malign Legacy of the U.S. “War on Terror”
by Gabor Rona (@GaborRona1) (April 1, 2022)

How Best to Fund the International Criminal Court
by Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) (March 27, 2022)

Justice for Ukraine and the U.S. Government’s Anomalous Int’l Criminal Court Policy
by Adam Keith (@adamofkeith) (March 8, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Справедливість для України та аномальна політика уряду США щодо МКС

Universal Jurisdiction and National-Level Prosecutions

Latest Atrocities Highlight the Importance of Early Warning
by Lawrence Woocher (July 25, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Останні звірства підкреслюють важливість раннього попередження

To Support Accountability for Atrocities, Fix U.S. Law on the Sharing of Digital Evidence
by David J. Simon (@djsimon7) and Joshua Lam (@joshlamlamlam) (April 20, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Виправте закон США про обмін цифровими доказами щоб забезпечити притягнення до відповідальності за звірства

The Need for Urgency in Closing the War Crimes Act’s Loopholes
by Michel Paradis (@MDParadis) (April 14, 2022)

Expanding the U.S. War Crimes Act: Lessons from the Administration’s Proposals in 1996
by Michael Matheson (April 13, 2022)

How States Like California Are Bolstering Federal Sanctions Against Russia
by Julia Spiegel (April 5, 2022)

How States Can Prosecute Russia’s Aggression With or Without “Universal Jurisdiction”
by Diane Orentlicher (March 24, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Як Держави Можуть Притягати до Відповідальності за Російську Агресію з «Універсальною Юрисдикцією» чи Без Неї

How DOJ Could Prosecute Russians for War Crimes, and How Congress Can Expand Its Remit
by Edgar Chen (March 23, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Як Міністерство юстиції може переслідувати росіян за воєнні злочини і як Конгрес може розширити свої повноваження

International Court of Justice and European Court of Human Rights

Ukraine, Netherlands Await Pivotal Rulings in Cases Against Russia from Previous Years of War
by Marieke de Hoon (@mariekedehoon) (January 13, 2023)
Ukrainian translation: Україна та Нідерланди очікують ключових рішень в справах проти Росії за роки війни

US Intervention in Ukraine v. Russia at the ICJ: A Q&A with Chiméne Keitner
by Chimène Keitner (@KeitnerLaw) (September 27, 2022)

Q&A: Ukraine at the International Court of Justice, Russia’s Absence & What Comes Next
by Chimène Keitner (@KeitnerLaw ), Zoe Tatarsky and Just Security (March 16, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Питання та відповіді (Частина ІІ): Україна у Міжнародному суді справедливості, Відсутність Росії та що буде далі

Q&A: The ICJ’s Order on Provisional Measures in Ukraine v. Russian Federation
by Chimène Keitner (@KeitnerLaw), Zoe Tatarsky and Just Security (March 9, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Питання та відповіді: Наказ Міжнародного Суду ООН про тимчасові заходи у справі України проти Російської Федерації

Not Far Enough: The European Court of Human Rights’ Interim Measures on Ukraine
by Eliav Lieblich (@eliavl) (March 7, 2022)

Q&A: Next Steps in Ukraine’s Application to the International Court of Justice
by Chimène Keitner (@KeitnerLaw), Zoe Tatarsky and Just Security (March 5, 2022)
Ukrainian translation: Питання та відповіді: Наступні кроки щодо української заяви до МСС

Refugee Policy


IMAGES (left to right): A man takes a selfie in front a destroyed apartment building on April 9, 2022 in Borodianka, Ukraine. The Russian retreat from towns near Kyiv has revealed scores of civilian deaths and the full extent of devastation from Russia’s attempt to seize the Ukrainian capital. (Photo by Alexey Furman/Getty Images); A woman with a Ukrainian flag stands outside the International Criminal Court of Justice (ICJ) or Peace Palace on the first day of hearings on March 7, 2022 in The Hague The Netherlands. Ukraine is petitioning the ICJ to classify Russia’s invasion as a genocide and issue an injunction under the UN Convention against Genocide. (Photo by Michel Porro/Getty Images); Ukrainian servicemen carry the casket bearing the remains of journalist Maks Levins on April 4, 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Levin, who was a contributor to and Reuters, among other news organizations, went missing on March 13 and was found dead on April 1 near the village Huta Mezhyhirska, north of Kyiv. (Photo by Alexey Furman/Getty Images)