international justice

US Arrests Former Syrian Prison Chief – But Will the Charges Prove Equal to His Crimes?

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Jul 25th, 2024

Just Security’s Russia–Ukraine War Archive

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May 29th, 2024

Support Grows for Gender Justice at UN Session on Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty


May 23rd, 2024

Confronting Forced Demographic Change in Northern Syria: Inclusive Justice for Sustainable Peace


Mar 25th, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: A Syrian War Crimes Verdict in a Dutch Court

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Feb 16th, 2024

Syrian Torture Victims Deserve a Hearing Before the ICJ

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Oct 13th, 2023

The Fate of Justice in Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks


Sep 25th, 2023

Starvation as a Means of Genocide: Azerbaijan’s Blockade of the Lachin Corridor Between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh


Aug 11th, 2023

Why a Group of Jews Came to Mourn the Victims of the Srebrenica Genocide


Jul 24th, 2023

Збір цифрових доказів у Міжнародному кримінальному суді: Обіцянки та підводні камені

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Jul 5th, 2023

Digital Evidence Collection at the Int’l Criminal Court: Promises and Pitfalls

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Jul 5th, 2023

Is Henry Kissinger a War Criminal?


Jun 27th, 2023

Meta’s Oversight Board Recommends Major Advance in International Accountability


Jun 22nd, 2023

Співпраця США з МКС у розслідуванні та злочинів в Україні: Можливості та виклики


Jun 20th, 2023

US Cooperation with the ICC to Investigate and Prosecute Atrocities in Ukraine: Possibilities and Challenges


Jun 20th, 2023

The U.N. Process for a Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Has Finally Started. Will It Account for Persons with Disabilities?

by , , and

May 26th, 2023

Differences ‘Getting Narrower’ on Proposed Crimes Against Humanity Treaty

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May 15th, 2023

“Inexcusably Inhuman Wrongs”: US, UK Must Deliver Long Overdue Justice at Diego Garcia


Mar 23rd, 2023

Чим обернеться на практиці ордер МКС на арешт Путіна?


Mar 20th, 2023

How will the ICC’s Arrest Warrant for Putin Play Out in Practice?


Mar 20th, 2023

Рік потому: якщо Україна не вистоїть, глобальні наслідки переслідуватимуть багато поколінь світу


Feb 24th, 2023

One Year On: If Ukraine Falls, the Global Consequences Will Haunt the World for Generations


Feb 24th, 2023

A Pragmatic Legal Approach to End Russia’s Aggression


Feb 23rd, 2023

U.S. Strategic Interests in Contributing to the ICC Trust Fund for Victims (Part I)

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Feb 13th, 2023

Letter to Editor: On So-Called Selectivity and a Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine


Feb 10th, 2023

Вид трибуналу грає важливу роль для оцінки імунітетів у Спеціальному трибуналі щодо агресії проти України

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Feb 1st, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: Two Years After the Myanmar Coup

by , , and

Feb 1st, 2023

In Evaluating Immunities before a Special Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine, the Type of Tribunal Matters

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Feb 1st, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: Closing the War Crimes Impunity Gap

by , , and

Jan 20th, 2023

2023 Forward: Democracy, Russia-Ukraine War, Tech Policy, Climate Change

by , and

Dec 26th, 2022

Coming Debates to Advance New Treaty on Crimes Against Humanity Will Require Skillful Leadership

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Dec 20th, 2022

Dutch Court, in Life Sentences: Russia Had “Overall Control” of Forces in Eastern Ukraine Downing of Flight MH17


Dec 19th, 2022

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