War Crimes Act

US Arrests Former Syrian Prison Chief – But Will the Charges Prove Equal to His Crimes?

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Jul 25th, 2024

Just Security’s Russia–Ukraine War Archive

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May 29th, 2024

How to Get Away With Crimes Against Humanity: The Statutory Gap in US Law


Sep 8th, 2023

Unpacking New Legislation on US Support for the International Criminal Court


Mar 9th, 2023

Congress Should Close the ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Loophole

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Feb 17th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: Closing the War Crimes Impunity Gap

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Jan 20th, 2023

Closing the Impunity Gap for War Crimes


Jan 12th, 2023

Congress Passes Justice for Victims of War Crimes Act


Dec 22nd, 2022

11 Takeaways from Senate Hearing on Expanding War Crimes Act and a Crimes Against Humanity Statute


Oct 3rd, 2022

The Need for Urgency in Closing the War Crimes Act’s Loopholes


Apr 14th, 2022

Expanding the U.S. War Crimes Act: Lessons from the Administration’s Proposals in 1996


Apr 13th, 2022

Як Міністерство юстиції може переслідувати росіян за воєнні злочини і як Конгрес може розширити свої повноваження


Mar 23rd, 2022

How DOJ Could Prosecute Russians for War Crimes, and How Congress Can Expand Its Remit


Mar 23rd, 2022

It’s Time To Revisit the United States’ Evolving Posture Toward the Use of Child Soldiers


Oct 21st, 2021

The “Beatles” on Trial: Obtaining Justice for Victims of Foreign ISIS Fighters


Aug 24th, 2020

U.S. Issues Travel Ban on Sri Lankan Military Leader


Feb 20th, 2020

“With a Little Help from Our Friends”: Prosecuting the ISIL “Beatles” in U.S. Courts

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Oct 22nd, 2019

Sri Lankan War Criminal Gotabaya Rajapaksa May Escape Accountability Yet Again, This Time by Running for President


Oct 9th, 2019

Trump Endorses U.S. Citizen-Turned Libyan Warlord, Despite Video Evidence of Haftar’s Ordering War Crimes


Apr 22nd, 2019

BREAKING: Sri Lankan Presidential Hopeful Sued in Federal Court for Human Rights Violations


Apr 8th, 2019

Justice Dept Must Open Criminal Investigation Into Potential War Crimes by U.S. Mercenaries in Yemen

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Oct 16th, 2018

International Criminal Law Roundup Series: Part I


Sep 6th, 2018

Time to Dust Off the War Crimes Act?–for an American ex-soldier now in command of UAE forces

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May 9th, 2018

The US, the War in Yemen, and the War Crimes Act – Part I

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Apr 2nd, 2018

The United States Can – And Should – Prosecute the Killers of US Journalists and Aid Workers in Syria


Feb 14th, 2018

Mohammed Jabbateh Conviction: A Human Rights Trial Cloaked in Immigration Crimes


Nov 7th, 2017

Libya’s Haftar and Liability of Superiors: Ordering Offenses v. Responsibility for Omissions


Sep 20th, 2017

Smoking Gun Videos Emerge: US Citizen, Libyan Warlord Haftar Ordering War Crimes

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Sep 19th, 2017

U.S. Arms Sale to Saudis Spells Legal Trouble for State Department Officials


Mar 15th, 2017

The Law of Aiding and Abetting (Alleged) War Crimes: How to Assess US and UK Support for Saudi Strikes in Yemen


Sep 1st, 2016

Explainer: What Mental State is Required to Commit a War Crime?


Sep 1st, 2016

Iraq and Syria: Prospects for Accountability


Feb 22nd, 2016