Executive & Military

Trump’s Fatal Mistake: Killing Soleimani vs. Countering ISIS


Jan 6th, 2020

The Soleimani Strike and War Powers


Jan 6th, 2020

United States Killed Iraqi Military Official and Iraqi Military Personnel in the Two Recent Attacks


Jan 5th, 2020

The Missing Assistant Secretary of Defense and the Soleimani Strike


Jan 3rd, 2020

Top Experts’ Backgrounder: Military Action Against Iran and US Domestic Law

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Jan 3rd, 2020

Trump Loved “His Generals”—Until He Got To Know Them


Jan 2nd, 2020

The Generals Aren’t the Problem; An Ill-Informed Commander-in-Chief Is


Jan 2nd, 2020

The Inevitable Day of Reckoning in Syria


Dec 23rd, 2019

Hidden Gems: Civilian Casualties and Use of Force Reporting Provisions in the Annual Defense Bill

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Dec 17th, 2019

Barr’s Personal, Ad Hoc Declassification Authority and the Role of Congress


Dec 9th, 2019

IG Falls Short of Justice in Investigating Political Retaliation at the State Department


Nov 22nd, 2019

A Real-Time Lesson in Leadership and Ethics from the Impeachment Hearings


Nov 22nd, 2019

President Trump is Damaging Our Military: War Crimes Cases are the Latest Example


Nov 18th, 2019

Go See The Report, Then Let’s Put Torture to Bed For Good

by , , and

Nov 14th, 2019

The US Mission Tied to Syrian Oil Fields May Prove the Worst of All Strategic Options


Nov 12th, 2019

Congress Must Act to Protect Those Who’ve Supported Us in Syria

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Nov 11th, 2019

CIA-Backed Afghan Paramilitaries Behind Unlawful Killing Surge


Nov 8th, 2019

“Clearly of Latin American Origin”: Armed Attack by Non-State Actors and the UN Charter


Nov 5th, 2019

How Trump Could Really End “Endless Wars”

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Nov 1st, 2019

How Trump’s Gilding the Lily on Baghdadi Death Will Return to Haunt Americans


Oct 27th, 2019

“With a Little Help from Our Friends”: Prosecuting the ISIL “Beatles” in U.S. Courts

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Oct 22nd, 2019

Turkey’s (Latest) Invasion of Syria: Aggression, Proportionality, and Legal Consequences for NATO and Third-Party States


Oct 17th, 2019

The German Constitutional Court on the Right of Self-Defense Against ISIS in Syria

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Oct 16th, 2019

Overwhelming Confirmation of Whistleblower Complaint: An Annotation

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Oct 7th, 2019

On the Principle of Non-Use of Force in Current International Law


Sep 30th, 2019

Trump Goes Full Putin—Capitulation Inside the Oval Office

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Sep 30th, 2019

An Overview of International Humanitarian Law in France’s New Cyber Document


Sep 27th, 2019

The Iceberg’s Tip: Ukraine Phone Call and the Months-Long Conspiracy to Violate Federal Campaign Finance Laws


Sep 27th, 2019

Whistleblower Says White House Took Unusual Steps to Limit Access to Ukraine Call Record


Sep 26th, 2019

Trump’s Call to Ukraine May Constitute “Honest Services Fraud”—A Core Crime of Public Corruption


Sep 25th, 2019

The Swiftboating of Joe Biden

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Sep 24th, 2019

The UN Yemen Report and Siege Warfare

by , and

Sep 12th, 2019

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