Executive & Military

Missed Opportunities and Minor Progress: The FY 2023 National Defense Bill and War Powers

by and

Dec 15th, 2022

Russia’s Assault on Ukraine Exposes US, Allied Gaps in Preparing for Great-Power War

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Nov 30th, 2022

The Last, Best Chance for Accountability at Guantanamo? A Negotiated Plea for the 9/11 Defendants


Nov 15th, 2022

How Support to Partner Forces Enables Secret War


Nov 3rd, 2022

Why the US Still Can’t Have It All: Biden’s National Security Strategy


Oct 14th, 2022

Q&A on Russia-Backed Referendums in Eastern Ukraine and International Law

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Sep 24th, 2022

The Biden Administration Should Begin its “War on Secrecy” by Releasing Key War Powers Reports


Aug 26th, 2022

What Was the International Legal Basis for the Strike on al-Zawahiri?


Aug 9th, 2022

The Biden Administration’s Senseless Opposition to Congress’s Effort to Prevent Abusive National Guard Deployments

by and

Jul 28th, 2022

US Democracy’s Survival Requires a More Powerful Response to January 6th


Jul 15th, 2022

In Support of Sunsets: Easy Yes Votes on AUMF Reform


Jul 13th, 2022

Assessing Civilian Casualties Linked to U.S.-Made Weapons in Yemen


Jul 7th, 2022

9/11 Families Pursuing Justice Call for Majid Khan’s Plea Agreement to Be Fulfilled


Jul 1st, 2022

One Year On: Marking Progress on Biden’s Counter-Domestic Terrorism Strategy


Jun 23rd, 2022

Defense Dept Law of War Manual and Its Unintended Readings: On Civilians Assuming Risk of Harm

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May 13th, 2022

DoD Can’t Move Forward on Civilian Casualties Without Looking Back

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Apr 19th, 2022

Still at War: The Forever War Legal Paradigm in Afghanistan


Apr 14th, 2022

Supplying Arms to Ukraine is Not an Act of War

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Mar 12th, 2022

2022 Update: Good Governance Paper No. 20: Repairing and Strengthening Norms of Nuclear Restraint


Feb 16th, 2022

Clear Error in the Defense Department’s Law of War Manual: On Presumptions of Civilian Status


Feb 9th, 2022

A Big Step Forward or Running in Place?: The Pentagon’s New Policy on Civilian Casualties


Feb 8th, 2022

The Al-Qurayshi Operation and Minimization of Civilian Casualties

by and

Feb 3rd, 2022

Senate Hearing on Sudan: Is the US Ready for a Needed Reset?


Jan 31st, 2022

Post-January 6th, the Military is Addressing Extremism in Its Ranks. Sort of.


Jan 27th, 2022

2022 Update: Good Governance Paper No. 6: Domestic Military Operations


Jan 25th, 2022

2022 Update: Good Governance Paper No. 18: Reforming Emergency Powers


Jan 24th, 2022

For Sudan’s Democratic Imperative, the US and Others Must Intensify Support


Jan 18th, 2022

TheDonald[.]win and President Trump’s Foreknowledge of the Attack on the Capitol


Jan 12th, 2022

Time for the Biden Administration to Disavow the Dangerous Soleimani Legal Opinions


Jan 3rd, 2022

Crisis of Command: The Pentagon, The President, and January 6

by and

Dec 21st, 2021

The Biden Administration’s Moment of Truth on Torture Evidence

by , , , , , , and

Dec 1st, 2021

On Ransomware, Cyber Command Should Take a Backseat


Nov 30th, 2021

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