Global Magnitsky Act

Magnitsky Sanctions and Political Prisoners: Lessons from the Case of Vladimir Kara-Murza


Aug 23rd, 2024

Breaking the Deadlock: New Talks Needed to Help End Sudan’s Violence and Offer a Glimmer of Hope


Aug 13th, 2024

Rethinking US Foreign Policy Strategy on Wrongful Detention

by and

May 18th, 2023

Time to Walk the Talk on Human Rights Abuses in India


Apr 11th, 2022

Cuando la corrupción no tiene rastro de dinero: las sanciones pasan por alto casos cruciales

by , and

Jan 21st, 2022

When Corruption Has No Money Trail: Sanctions Overlook Crucial Cases

by , and

Jan 19th, 2022

Sanctions and Corruption: Assessing Risk to Improve Design


Dec 13th, 2021

Congress Must Stand with Civil Society and Strengthen the Global Magnitsky Sanctions Program


Apr 20th, 2021

Combating Transnational Authoritarian Kleptocracy: Cracking Down on Western Professional Enablers


Apr 19th, 2021

Fighting the ‘International Thief Thief’ with Global Magnitsky Sanctions


Apr 15th, 2021

Reauthorizing and Strengthening the Global Magnitsky Act


Apr 14th, 2021

The “Khashoggi Ban”: What It Does and Doesn’t Mean

by , and

Mar 3rd, 2021

Changing the Calculus to Support Peace in South Sudan


Feb 13th, 2021

Ripe for Reform: The Opaque World of Specific Licenses to Do Business Under Sanctions


Feb 12th, 2021

U.S. and Multilateral Policy Options to Address Abuses Against Uyghurs in Xinjiang


Jul 30th, 2020

Iraqi Researcher’s Death Adds Urgency to Penalizing Iran-Backed Militias With New U.K. “Magnitsky” Law


Jul 7th, 2020

The Khashoggi Killing at Six Months: How Congress Should Move Forward


Apr 1st, 2019

Time to Rehabilitate the Legislative Veto: How Congress Should Rein in Presidents’ “National Emergency” Powers

by and

Mar 13th, 2019

The Missing Khashoggi Report: A President Can’t Choose to “Decline” His Constitutional Role to Accommodate Congressional Oversight

by , and

Mar 1st, 2019