State Responsibility

The ‘Obligation to Prevent’ in a Future Crimes Against Humanity Convention

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Sep 27th, 2024

International Court of Justice’s Call on All States to End Israel’s Occupation and Find a Path to Peace


Jul 25th, 2024

A Significant New Step in the Creation of An International Compensation Mechanism for Ukraine

by and

Jul 27th, 2023

Expert Q&A on What International Law Has to Say About Assistance to Russia’s War Against Ukraine


May 2nd, 2023

After ICJ’s “Certain Iranian Assets” Judgment, Iran and United States Both Claim Victory


Apr 17th, 2023

Запитання та відповіді експертів щодо конфіскації активів у війні Росії проти України


Apr 3rd, 2023

Expert Q&A on Asset Seizure in Russia’s War in Ukraine


Apr 3rd, 2023

Are Methods of Naval Warfare at Risk Under “Qualified” Neutrality? Expert Q&A from Stockton Center’s Russia-Ukraine Conference


Mar 10th, 2023

Історична резолюція Генеральної Асамблеї ООН закликає до виплати репарацій Україні

by , , and

Nov 16th, 2022

Historic UNGA Resolution Calls for Ukraine Reparations

by , , and

Nov 16th, 2022

Припиніть говорити «анексовані території»: альтернативи терміну агресора


Oct 5th, 2022

Stop Saying “Annexed Territories”: Alternatives to the Bully’s Term


Oct 5th, 2022

Q&A on Russia-Backed Referendums in Eastern Ukraine and International Law

by and

Sep 24th, 2022


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Mar 17th, 2022

Чому надання Китаєм військової допомоги Росії порушуватиме міжнародне право

by and

Mar 17th, 2022

Why China Giving Military Assistance to Russia Would Violate International Law

by and

Mar 17th, 2022

Trail Smelter Arbitration Offers Little Guidance for COVID-19 Suits against China


Jul 14th, 2020

On Iranian Gunboats: Beware Conflating American and Mainstream Views of the Law


Jun 2nd, 2020

COVID-19 and International Law: Must China Compensate Countries for the Damage?


Mar 27th, 2020

It’s Time Iraq Accepts Legal Responsibility for Its Iran-Backed Militias


Mar 23rd, 2020

United States Killed Iraqi Military Official and Iraqi Military Personnel in the Two Recent Attacks


Jan 5th, 2020

Bolton’s Stated Predicate for War With Iran Doesn’t Work


May 31st, 2019

Legal Explainer: German Court Reins in Support for U.S. Drone Strikes


Mar 22nd, 2019

Saudi Coalition “Admission” of Error in Bombing Cholera Treatment Center Implicates the United States


Jan 25th, 2019

Detainees in Iraq Win Damages from Denmark in High Court Ruling


Jun 22nd, 2018

The Technicolor Zone of Cyberspace – Part I

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May 30th, 2018

View from Socotra Island: Yemen War and Threats to the UN Charter

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May 22nd, 2018

Legal Limits on Military Assistance to Proxy Forces: Pathways for State and Official Responsibility


May 14th, 2018

How US Surveillance Helps Repressive Regimes—the Ethiopia Case


Oct 3rd, 2017

UAE, a Key US Partner in Yemen, Implicated in Detainee Abuse

by and

May 15th, 2017

Shaky Legal Grounds: Syria Demands US Assault on Raqqa Must Work with Assad’s Forces


Mar 28th, 2017

Trump’s Immigration Policy Risks Violating International Law—alienates US allies


Jan 27th, 2017