white supremacy

The Biden Administration Must Use Civil Rights Enforcement to Push Back Against Texas’s Racist Invocation of Invasion


Feb 1st, 2024

White Supremacist Conspiracy Theory Is Fueling Extreme Border Policy in Texas


Oct 24th, 2023

Amid Robert Rundo’s Extradition, the White Supremacist Active Clubs Network Remains a Threat

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Sep 1st, 2023

Four Takeaways From the Department of Justice Audit on Countering Domestic Terrorism


Jun 9th, 2023

U.S. Domestic Terrorism Prosecutions: The Reality Behind the Government’s Inflated Numbers

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May 8th, 2023

Introduction to Expert Statements on Democracy and Political Violence, submitted to January 6th House select committee


May 1st, 2023

The War From Within: Racial Injustice in the US Prison System


Apr 24th, 2023

Profiles of the January 6th Inmates in the D.C. Jail

by , and

Mar 20th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: What the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers Don’t Want You to Know

by , , and

Mar 17th, 2023

The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers Are Domestic Terrorists, It’s Past Time to Call Them What They Are

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Mar 7th, 2023

Antisemitism and Threats to American Democracy

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Jan 26th, 2023

Coming Soon to a Fascist Get-Together Near You


Jan 25th, 2023

January 6th Report Summarizes Extremist Threat – But Leaves Key Gaps


Jan 3rd, 2023

Five Years After “Unite the Right”: Reflections on Charlottesville for Today’s Threat Landscape

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Aug 12th, 2022

The GOP’s Militia Problem: Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Lessons from Abroad


Jul 6th, 2022

January 6th Intelligence Failure Timeline


Jun 7th, 2022

The End of Black History Month? Attacks on Teaching the History of Racism Enable its Entrenchment


Feb 23rd, 2022

Disinformation, Radicalization, and Algorithmic Amplification: What Steps Can Congress Take?


Feb 7th, 2022

On International Migrants Day, Reimagining Migration Beyond Imperialism, Militarism, and Racism


Dec 18th, 2021

The Propaganda Playbook: A Section-by-Section Dissection of Tucker Carlson’s Communication Strategy


Jun 23rd, 2021

Reviewing the First-Ever National Strategy to Counter Domestic Terrorism


Jun 18th, 2021

Why Fighting White Supremacy Is Important for America’s Role in World

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May 26th, 2021

The Failure to Police White Nationalism is a Feature, Not a Bug of American Policing


Mar 23rd, 2021

Gender and Right-Wing Extremism in America: Why Understanding Women’s Roles is Key to Preventing Future Acts of  Domestic Terrorism

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Mar 5th, 2021

Movie at the Ellipse: A Study in Fascist Propaganda


Feb 4th, 2021

The Capitol Assault and the Continuing Threat: A Podcast Conversation with Elizabeth Neumann


Jan 30th, 2021

Incitement Timeline: Year of Trump’s Actions Leading to the Attack on the Capitol

by , and

Jan 11th, 2021

Trump’s Veto Threat Over Confederate-Named Bases Erodes U.S. Security and American Values

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Nov 25th, 2020

An Analytic Framework for Assessing Risks of U.S. Post-Election Violence


Nov 3rd, 2020

Nonviolent Civic Action May Help Defend the Integrity of the Election


Oct 13th, 2020

The United States’ Racial Justice Problem Is Also an International Human Rights Law Problem


Jun 5th, 2020

White Supremacist Infiltration of US Police Forces: Fact-Checking National Security Advisor O’Brien


Jun 1st, 2020