
Since James Foley’s Death, a `Moral Awakening’ in America on Hostages Held Abroad


Jul 24th, 2024

The Value and Costs of Intelligence Diplomacy: CIA Director Burns in the Spotlight


Jul 12th, 2024

Assessing Jus Ad Bellum Proportionality: A Factored Approach


Jul 2nd, 2024

Invite Afghanistan’s Majority to the Table at Doha Envoy Talks


Jun 28th, 2024

Just Security’s Climate Archive


May 30th, 2024

Deaths, Torture, and Arbitrary Detention in the Wake of the Islamic State in Syria: The US Responsibility to Act

by , and

May 30th, 2024

Non-Coercive Interrogation Outlined in New UN Manual Advances Méndez Principles

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May 15th, 2024

In Shifting US Ties with Niger and Africa, Focus on Human Rights and Democracy to Strengthen Partnerships


Apr 8th, 2024

A Legal and Moral Victory for Ukraine: Vindicating Ukraine’s Legal Rights Before the International Court of Justice

by and

Mar 22nd, 2024

Rethinking Risk: Reducing Harm to Nonprofits in the Push to Counter Terrorism Financing

by , , and

Feb 28th, 2024

How Israel Took the Terrorists’ Bait


Feb 13th, 2024

Accountability and Legacy at Guantanamo: Some Progress, Still A Long Way to Go


Jan 11th, 2024

Keeping Sight of Our Moral Compass as the Israel-Hamas War Rages


Dec 20th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: Counterterrorism and Human Rights (Part I Root Causes, Guantanamo, and Northeast Syria)

by , , , , and

Nov 20th, 2023

Rethinking Counterterrorism


Nov 2nd, 2023

Extended Detention Compounds Trauma for Thousands of Child Victims of Terrorism in Syria Camps

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Nov 1st, 2023

Policy Alert: Key Questions in Hamas’ Attack on Israel and What Comes Next

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Oct 9th, 2023

Dollars Deployed: How the Weaponization of the U.S. Financial System Contributed to Afghanistan’s Collapse


Aug 31st, 2023

Trials of Ukrainian Prisoners of War in Russia: Decay of the Combatant’s Immunity


Aug 21st, 2023

Суди над українськими військовополоненими в Росії: руйнація імунітету комбатанта


Aug 18th, 2023

The Taliban’s Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan Is Part Of – Not Separate From – Its Terrorist Links


Aug 15th, 2023

The House Tackles Zombie War Authorizations: Possibilities and Perils


Aug 14th, 2023

Why Terrorism Exceptions to State Immunity Do Not Violate International Law


Aug 10th, 2023

Iran’s ICJ Case against Canada Tests the Terrorism Exception to Sovereign Immunity


Jul 24th, 2023

Biden Must Act on Landmark UN Special Rapporteur Guantanamo Report


Jul 17th, 2023

Global Ambitions and Tunisia’s Crisis Could Spur Algeria to Rethink Its Non-Intervention Policy


Jun 27th, 2023

The War From Within: Racial Injustice in the US Prison System


Apr 24th, 2023

Time for the United States to Rethink its Strategy for Afghanistan


Apr 20th, 2023

After ICJ’s “Certain Iranian Assets” Judgment, Iran and United States Both Claim Victory


Apr 17th, 2023

Permanently Winding Down the War on Terror Requires Greater Transparency

by and

Jan 30th, 2023

How the US Can Help the Struggling Yazidi Community in Iraq


Dec 8th, 2022

As Women and Children Return to the West from Syrian Camps, Lessons From Sweden


Dec 6th, 2022

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