Jordan Street

Guest Author

Jordan Street (@jordan_street07) is the Senior Policy and Advocacy Lead at Saferworld USA. He covers peacebuilding, peacekeeping and counterterrorism policy and is based out of Saferworld’s Washington office. He has written extensively on the impact of counter-terrorism policy on peace, human rights and civic space, with recent work focused on the negative effects of counterterrorism at the United Nations. Other writing includes research on the role of U.N. Peace Operations in complex conflict environments and the impacts of the countering/preventing violent extremism agenda in Kyrgyzstan, the Philippines and Somalia. He is also on LinkedIn.


Articles by this author:

Counterterrorism in Disguise? Does A Shift Toward `Peace Enforcement’ Spell a Death Knell for UN Peacekeeping?


Dec 15th, 2023

Openings for Biden in the Inaugural US-Central Asia Summit at UNGA

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Sep 14th, 2023

Starting Bell Rings for U.N. Counterterrorism Negotiations with Big Questions Unanswered

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Feb 28th, 2023

UN Budget vs. Rhetoric: Touting “Agenda for Peace” But Investing in Counterterrorism Instead?


Dec 1st, 2022

Bombing for Peace in Somalia? Time for a Different Approach

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Sep 28th, 2022

Bringing Climate and Terrorism Together at the UN Security Council – Proceed with Caution


Dec 6th, 2021

Insight Into Biden’s Counterterrorism Thinking Suggests More of the Same

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Oct 18th, 2021

Opening Pandora’s Box: New “Threats” in the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

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Jun 14th, 2021

How Can Member States Improve the UN’s Global Counterterrorism Strategy?

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Mar 9th, 2021

If the US Wants to Push Back on Authoritarian Agendas at the UN, Get Counterterrorism Right

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Feb 1st, 2021

Trump and Duterte Show Why UN Must Reassess Embrace of Counterterrorism

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Jun 11th, 2020

UN Counter-Terrorism Negotiations During COVID: Time for a Rethink

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Apr 9th, 2020

U.N. Peace Operations Should Get Off the Counter-Terror Bandwagon

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Sep 4th, 2018