4th Amendment

Time for U.S. Intelligence to Ask: How Did We Alienate so Many Americans?

by and

Jul 18th, 2024

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Search Challenge Flounders: Judge Signals Warrant Passed Muster


Jun 25th, 2024

Unpacking the FISA Section 702 Reauthorization Bill


Apr 18th, 2024

The SAFE Act Is No “Compromise” and Won’t Leave Americans Safer


Apr 5th, 2024

The Year(s) of Section 702 Reform, Part VI: (Another) Looming Deadline

by and

Apr 5th, 2024

The Facts About Electronic Surveillance Reform


Jan 31st, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: Toward a Goldilocks Deal on 702 Surveillance Reform

by , , , , , and

Dec 5th, 2023

The Year of Section 702 Reform, Part V: The HPSCI Majority FISA Working Group Report

by and

Nov 27th, 2023

The Year of Section 702 Reform, Part IV: The Government Surveillance Reform Act

by and

Nov 7th, 2023

Expert Q&A with David Aaron on FISA Section 702 Reauthorization and Reform


Oct 11th, 2023

The PCLOB Stubs Its Toe on Use of U.S. Person Queries with FISA Section 702


Oct 4th, 2023

Resolving Carpenter’s Third-Party Paradox (Part II – The Solution)

by , , and

Sep 22nd, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: A Fourth Amendment Privacy Paradox

by , , , and

Sep 22nd, 2023

Resolving Carpenter’s Third-Party Paradox (Part I – The Paradox)

by , , and

Sep 21st, 2023

The Government’s Section 702 Playbook Doesn’t Work Anymore

by , and

Aug 30th, 2023

The Year of Section 702 Reform, Part III: Why Congress Should Not Exempt Warrantless “Foreign Intelligence” Queries


Jul 27th, 2023

A Close and Critical Look at the ‘Five Things’ the ACLU Says You Need to Know About ‘NSA Mass Surveillance’

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Jul 26th, 2023

The Year of Section 702 Reform, Part II: Closing the Gaps and Completing the Modernization of FISA


Apr 18th, 2023

The Year of Section 702’s Reauthorization: A Reply on “Back Door” Searches


Mar 8th, 2023

The Year of Section 702 Reform, Part I: Backdoor Searches


Feb 13th, 2023

Democracy at Risk: Are The Florida Election Police Violating the Law?

by , and

Oct 26th, 2022

With Roe v. Wade at Risk, Digital Surveillance Threatens Reproductive Freedom

by and

May 17th, 2022

Key Takeaways From Latest FISA Court Opinion on Section 702 and FBI Warrantless Queries


Apr 28th, 2021

A Fourth Amendment Framework for Voiceprint Database Searches

by and

Oct 17th, 2019

What Happened at the Court: The Hasbajrami Oral Argument on Section 702 of FISA and the Fourth Amendment


Aug 29th, 2018

Carpenter Ruling Brings Us Back From Brink of Orwellian Surveillance State

by and

Jun 28th, 2018

The Broad Reach of Carpenter v. United States


Jun 27th, 2018

Exigent Circumstances: iOS 12’s USB Restricted Mode and Warrantless iPhone Access


Jun 22nd, 2018

Dangerous Drone Bill Emerges from Senate Committee


Jun 19th, 2018

What If Police Use ‘Rekognition’ Without Telling Defendants?


Jun 5th, 2018

A Cosmic Legal Collision: The Engineer vs. The Border Patrol


May 25th, 2018

The Intel Community’s Annual Transparency Report Raises More Questions Than It Answers


May 14th, 2018

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