Arms Export Control Act

The State Department’s Civilian Harm Incident Response Guidance: How to Make a Good Thing Better


Jul 18th, 2024

The US Can’t Guarantee Armenia’s Security, Despite Azerbaijan’s Threats, But It Can Help

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Mar 14th, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: A Human Rights Law Returns to Spark Debate on U.S. Arms Sales

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Jan 19th, 2024

Senator Sanders’ New Resolution Could Force U.S. to Confront Any Complicity in Civilian Harm in Gaza

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Dec 18th, 2023

AUKUS Is More Than Submarines: Its Advanced Capabilities Pillar Will Also Require Fundamental Shifts

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Jul 10th, 2023

At 100 Days, Grading Biden’s Progress Toward a More Responsible US Arms Trade Policy

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Apr 28th, 2021

Toward A More Responsible US Arms Trade Policy: Recommendations for the Biden-Harris Administration

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Jan 19th, 2021

Proposed UAE Arms Sale Raises National Security Concerns


Dec 1st, 2020

Yes, Congress, There Is Something You Can Do About Reckless Arms Sales

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Jun 9th, 2020

An “Emergency” Arms Deal: Will Congress Acquiesce in Another Blow to Its Authority?

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Jun 6th, 2019