armed conflict

“Water is Life,” One Syrian Told Us. Yet It Remains Elusive for Many.

by and

Aug 27th, 2024

Breaking the Deadlock: New Talks Needed to Help End Sudan’s Violence and Offer a Glimmer of Hope


Aug 13th, 2024

Assessing the Civilian and Political Institutions of Armed Non-State Actors under International Law


Jul 22nd, 2024

Assessing Jus Ad Bellum Proportionality: A Factored Approach


Jul 2nd, 2024

Rebel Laws in Conflict: From Law-Taking to Law-Making and Law-Adapting


Jun 7th, 2024

​​Combatant Privilege vs. Criminal Responsibility for Organized Armed Groups


May 31st, 2024

Armed Groups and International Law: Introduction to the Symposium

by and

May 8th, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: Crisis in Haiti

by , , and

Mar 19th, 2024

With Haiti on the Brink of Collapse, a Reckoning for US Policy on Haiti


Mar 9th, 2024

How to Clean Up the Clean Energy Transition: Preventing Violence Over New ‘Conflict Minerals’

by , , and

Mar 6th, 2024

Membership in a Non-State Armed Group in the DoD Law of War Manual


Feb 26th, 2024

The US Must Adapt Foreign Policy and Aid to an Aging World

by and

Nov 7th, 2023

Analyzing Previously Undisclosed Use of Force Reports: Challenges of Congressional Oversight of the War on Terror

by and

Sep 18th, 2023

The Legal Takeover of the Manifestly Unlawful Order Doctrine in Israel


Aug 14th, 2023

What You Need to Know: International Humanitarian Law and Russia’s Termination of the Black Sea Grain Initiative


Jul 28th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: Potential Rwandan Aggression Against the Democratic Republic of the Congo

by , , , , and

Jul 28th, 2023

Le monde réagira-t-il à une possible agression de la République démocratique du Congo par le Rwanda?


Jun 21st, 2023

Will the World Respond to Potential Rwandan Aggression Against the Democratic Republic of the Congo?


Jun 21st, 2023

The Sudan Conflict is an Existential Crisis for Refugee Protection in Africa


Jun 8th, 2023

Gender Persecution: Why Labels Matter


May 31st, 2023

Sudan in Crisis: Humanitarian Ceasefire Urgently Needed


Apr 19th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: The M23 Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo

by , , , and

Apr 14th, 2023

A Decade Ago, the Obama Administration Acted When the M23 Terrorized Eastern DRC. Will Biden Do the Same?

by and

Apr 13th, 2023

How Does IHL apply to New Technologies in Outer Space?: Expert Q&A from Stockton Center’s Russia-Ukraine Conference


Mar 22nd, 2023

Armed Conflicts Spread Contaminated Water and Disease: Here’s How to Better Protect Civilians

by and

Mar 17th, 2023

Рік потому: якщо Україна не вистоїть, глобальні наслідки переслідуватимуть багато поколінь світу


Feb 24th, 2023

One Year On: If Ukraine Falls, the Global Consequences Will Haunt the World for Generations


Feb 24th, 2023

The Ethiopia-Tigray Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement and the Question of Accountability for International Crimes


Nov 28th, 2022

Over 80 Countries Committed to Curb Use of Explosive Weapons, Now Comes the Hard Part


Nov 23rd, 2022

Tracking COP27: Notable Moments and Key Themes

by and

Nov 18th, 2022

The Case for the International Crime of Domicide

by and

Oct 28th, 2022

The Law of Occupation Must Address the Lives of Women and Girls


Oct 12th, 2022