
Presidential Immunity Decision May Have Implications for Congressional-Executive Divide on Criminal Contempt


Aug 26th, 2024

Transparency of International Agreements Under the Revised Case-Zablocki Act: An Assessment After Six Months

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Jun 10th, 2024

The Nuts and Bolts of Enforcing AI Guardrails

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May 30th, 2024

Budget Cuts as Alternative Congressional Oversight Enforcement Mechanism


May 24th, 2024

Meta’s Oversight Board in a Historic Election Year: Nine Key Lessons for Industry


May 6th, 2024

House Meeting on White House AI Overreach Highlights Congressional Inaction

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Apr 12th, 2024

In Shifting US Ties with Niger and Africa, Focus on Human Rights and Democracy to Strengthen Partnerships


Apr 8th, 2024

The SAFE Act Is No “Compromise” and Won’t Leave Americans Safer


Apr 5th, 2024

Congress Must Strengthen Oversight on Intelligence Sharing and Civilian Harm

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Jan 25th, 2024

The Biden Impeachment Inquiry: A Heedless Descent into Constitutional Anarchy


Dec 13th, 2023

The PCLOB Stubs Its Toe on Use of U.S. Person Queries with FISA Section 702


Oct 4th, 2023

Key Takeaways from September 28 House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing on AUMF Reform


Oct 4th, 2023

Why “Associated Forces” Should be Kept Out of Any New AUMF


Sep 26th, 2023

U.S. Senate AI Hearings Highlight Increased Need for Regulation

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Sep 25th, 2023

Congress Should Pass the SAFEGUARD Act to Overhaul Arms Sales Law and Protect Human Rights


Sep 20th, 2023

Missed Opportunities in House FY24 NDAA for Human Rights Progress in U.S. Security Assistance


Jul 28th, 2023

The Year of Section 702 Reform, Part III: Why Congress Should Not Exempt Warrantless “Foreign Intelligence” Queries


Jul 27th, 2023

A Close and Critical Look at the ‘Five Things’ the ACLU Says You Need to Know About ‘NSA Mass Surveillance’

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Jul 26th, 2023

The Perils and Promise of AI Regulation

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Jul 26th, 2023

Civilian Protection Gains Stagnate in FY24 House NDAA


Jul 21st, 2023

Anticipating Jim Jordan’s Judiciary Committee Hearing with FBI Director Wray


Jul 11th, 2023

Weighing the Risks: Why a New Conversation is Needed on AI Safety


Jun 30th, 2023

The All-Volunteer Force at 50: Civil-Military Solutions in a Time of Partisan Polarization

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Jun 28th, 2023

Meta’s Oversight Board Recommends Major Advance in International Accountability


Jun 22nd, 2023

It’s Time to Fix Congress’ Classification Infrastructure

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May 31st, 2023

The Year of Section 702 Reform, Part II: Closing the Gaps and Completing the Modernization of FISA


Apr 18th, 2023

Congress Can Investigate the Afghanistan Withdrawal Without Compromising a Vital Dissent Channel


Apr 7th, 2023

How Lawmakers Hope to Sidestep Existing National Security Reviews to Target Foreign Investment


Apr 3rd, 2023

A Long-Forgotten Law Could Force the U.S. to Re-Evaluate its Relationship with Saudi Arabia


Mar 29th, 2023

Senate Foreign Relations Committee FY2024 State Department Budget Hearing: Key Takeaways


Mar 23rd, 2023

Attorney General Merrick Garland and Intelligence Community Leaders Testify on the Reauthorization of Section 702 of FISA

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Mar 15th, 2023

Is Meta Up for the Challenge Now That It’s Reinstated Trump?

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Mar 14th, 2023

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