Tess Bridgeman

Articles by this author:

Bill Barr’s Extreme Views on War Powers Mean Congress’s Window to Stop War with Iran is Now

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May 20th, 2019

The Iran Nuclear Deal After Rouhani’s Announcement


May 9th, 2019

Getting Past the Veto on Ending Yemen War: How Congress’ Next Moves Can Succeed


May 3rd, 2019

Top 4 Things to Look for in Mueller’s Report in Light of Barr’s Letter

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Mar 26th, 2019

What’s the Mission in Syria? The Answer May be Illegal and Without U.S. Allies’ Support


Feb 25th, 2019

About that Trial Balloon on Using 9/11 AUMF to Authorize Strikes on Iran

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Feb 21st, 2019

Congress, Saudi Arabia, and the Conflict in Yemen: Where do We Go from Here?


Feb 12th, 2019

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Does the McConnell amendment provide a justification for military operations against Iran?

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Feb 7th, 2019

A Dangerous Bet on Recognition in Venezuela


Jan 25th, 2019

The Enigma of Bill Barr

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Jan 17th, 2019

How the Senate Should Move Forward on Resolution to Withdraw from Yemen War

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Nov 30th, 2018

Congress Must Do More to Safeguard Mueller than Simply Protecting His Job

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Nov 13th, 2018

Guantanamo is No Answer–But Here’s What Can Work

by , and

Aug 31st, 2018

U.S.-Russia Military Coop: Sec. Mattis Doesn’t Need Congress’ Permission, But Congress Has Control Options


Jul 23rd, 2018

Will Trump Administration Claim Congress Authorized Force against Iran?–Analysis of Existing Statutory Authority and New Proposals


Jun 4th, 2018

How to Ensure New Congressional War Authorization Is Not a Blank Check


Apr 20th, 2018

When Does the Legal Basis for U.S. Forces in Syria Expire?


Mar 14th, 2018

Will the Next Use of Force “Transparency Report” be Transparent? Devil May be in Classified Details


Feb 27th, 2018

U.S. “Confronting” Iran inside Syria: Spoiling for an Unlawful Fight?


Dec 18th, 2017

What the White House Announcement on Iran Deal Really Means: Three Takeaways


Oct 13th, 2017

How Congress Should Avoid Taking the Bait if Trump Fails to Certify Iran Nuclear Deal


Oct 10th, 2017

About that “Deconfliction Zone” in Syria: Is the United States on Firm Domestic and International Legal Footing?


Jun 15th, 2017

Paris Is a Binding Agreement: Here’s Why that Matters


Jun 4th, 2017

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