A digest of recent analysis of national security and rights related news and developments at Just Security.
Trump Trials
- A Manhattan Jury Has Placed a Question Mark on the Trump Presidency
by Adam Klasfeld (@KlasfeldReports) and Norman L. Eisen (@NormEisen) - What to Expect in the Closings at the Trump Trial
by Norman L. Eisen (@NormEisen) and Adam Klasfeld (@KlasfeldReports)
ICC / Israel-Hamas War
- The Prosecutor’s Circumvention of Article 18 Complementarity? A Flaw in the ICC’s Palestine Investigation
by Yuval Shany (@yuvalshany1) and Amichai Cohen (@amichaic) - Gaza Arrest Warrants: Assessing Starvation as a Method of Warfare and Associated Starvation Crimes
by Yousuf Syed Khan (@yousufsyedkhan)
Artificial Intelligence
- The Nuts and Bolts of Enforcing AI Guardrails
by Amos Toh (@AmosToh) and Ivey Dyson (@iveydyson)
Symposium: Armed Groups and International Law
- Combatant Privilege vs. Criminal Responsibility for Organized Armed Groups
by Rogier Bartels (@RogierBartels)
Immigration Law and Policy
United States / Syria
- Deaths, Torture, and Arbitrary Detention in the Wake of the Islamic State in Syria: The US Responsibility to Act
by Lauren Aarons (@LaurenAarons1), Janine Morna (@JanineMorna) and Nicolette Waldman (@nicolette_ai)
United States / DRC
- The Democratic Republic of the Congo is in Crisis. Will the U.S. Government Protect Congolese Immigrants in the United States?
by Daniel Levine-Spound (@dlspound)
Armenia / Azerbaijan
- Armenia and Azerbaijan in the International Court of Justice Over Nagorno-Karabakh
by Melanie O’Brien (@DrMelOB)
Podcast: Climate Change
- The Just Security Podcast: A Landmark Court Opinion on the Ocean and Climate Change
Paras Shah (@pshah518) and Megan Corrarino (@megancorrarino) interview with Ambassador Cheryl Bazard and Catherine Amirfar