War Crimes

Expert Q&A on IHL Compliance in Russia’s War in Ukraine


Apr 7th, 2023

The United States’ Proposal on Prosecuting Russians for the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine is a Step in the Right Direction

by , , and

Apr 6th, 2023

Summit for Democracy: Trends in News Media’s Future, Forged in Ukraine

by , and

Mar 30th, 2023

An Assessment of the United States’ New Position on An Aggression Tribunal for Ukraine


Mar 29th, 2023

Чим обернеться на практиці ордер МКС на арешт Путіна?


Mar 20th, 2023

How will the ICC’s Arrest Warrant for Putin Play Out in Practice?


Mar 20th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: An Arrest Warrant for Putin

by , , and

Mar 17th, 2023

The ICC Goes Straight to the Top: Arrest Warrant Issued for Putin


Mar 17th, 2023

МКС розпочинає з верхівки: видано ордер на арешт Путіна


Mar 17th, 2023

Unpacking New Legislation on US Support for the International Criminal Court


Mar 9th, 2023

Almost There: When Will the Biden Administration Support the ICC in Ukraine?


Mar 4th, 2023

Lessons From a Year of War in Ukraine


Mar 1st, 2023

Рік потому: якщо Україна не вистоїть, глобальні наслідки переслідуватимуть багато поколінь світу


Feb 24th, 2023

One Year On: If Ukraine Falls, the Global Consequences Will Haunt the World for Generations


Feb 24th, 2023

A Pragmatic Legal Approach to End Russia’s Aggression


Feb 23rd, 2023

Congress Should Close the ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Loophole

by and

Feb 17th, 2023

The United States Can and Should Broadly Contribute to the Trust Fund for Victims (Part IV)

by and

Feb 16th, 2023

The Binding Interpretation by the Office of Legal Counsel of the Laws Constraining US Engagement with the ICC (Part III)

by , and

Feb 15th, 2023

The American Servicemembers’ Protection Act and the Dodd Amendment: Shaping United States Engagement with the ICC (Part II)

by , and

Feb 14th, 2023

U.S. Strategic Interests in Contributing to the ICC Trust Fund for Victims (Part I)

by , and

Feb 13th, 2023

Introducing the Symposium on U.S. Support for the ICC’s Trust Fund for Victims

by , , , , , , and

Feb 13th, 2023

The Ukraine War and the Crime of Aggression: How to Fill the Gaps in the International Legal System

by , and

Jan 23rd, 2023

Війна в Україні та злочин агресії: Як заповнити прогалини в міжнародній правовій системі

by , and

Jan 23rd, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: Closing the War Crimes Impunity Gap

by , , and

Jan 20th, 2023

На шляху до створення Тимчасового Офісу Прокурора в Гаазі для розслідування злочину агресії проти України


Jan 17th, 2023

Toward an Interim Prosecutor’s Office in The Hague for the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine


Jan 17th, 2023

Closing the Impunity Gap for War Crimes


Jan 12th, 2023

Congress Passes Justice for Victims of War Crimes Act


Dec 22nd, 2022

Час на боці України, а не Росії

by and

Dec 21st, 2022

Time Is On Ukraine’s Side, Not Russia’s

by and

Dec 21st, 2022

Just Security Experts Give Address at Int’l Criminal Court’s Assembly of State Parties Side Event


Dec 7th, 2022

New Suit Against Liberia at ECOWAS Court of Justice Seeks Accountability for Civil War-Era Massacre

by , and

Nov 29th, 2022

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