transnational repression

The UN Cybercrime Convention: Analyzing the Risks to Human Rights and Global Privacy


Aug 27th, 2024

Magnitsky Sanctions and Political Prisoners: Lessons from the Case of Vladimir Kara-Murza


Aug 23rd, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: A Russian Legal Scholar in Exile on the Future of Resistance to Putin

by , and

Mar 29th, 2024

Shaming without Naming: The Limits of Anonymous U.S. Visa Sanctions for Accountability


Jan 25th, 2024

Beyond Alleged Assassination Plots, India’s Modi is Silencing US Critics Digitally Too


Jan 16th, 2024

Does the US Response to India’s Alleged Extraterritorial Assassination Schemes Signal Impunity?


Jan 10th, 2024

After Spotlight on Red Notices, Turkey is Abusing Another Interpol Mechanism

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Jul 13th, 2023

Going on Offense Against Authoritarians at the UN Human Rights Council and Beyond


Jul 10th, 2023

How Democratic Govts Become Complicit in Transnational Repression: Another Rwanda-US Case

by and

Apr 28th, 2023

Transnational Repression Increasingly Reaches Into the United States

by , and

Apr 5th, 2023

From Egypt, Sisi’s Long Arm of Repression Targets Americans Too


Jan 9th, 2023

Exiled Journalists Need Support, Not Autocrat-Fueled Skepticism

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Dec 15th, 2021

Abuse of Interpol for Transnational Repression: Assessing the FY22 NDAA’s Provisions for Prevention

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Nov 10th, 2021

Tracking Transnational Repression: Next Steps for the State Department’s Human Rights Reports


Jun 2nd, 2021

The “Khashoggi Ban”: What It Does and Doesn’t Mean

by , and

Mar 3rd, 2021

How the Financial Systems America Built Enable Oppression Abroad


Jul 14th, 2020