Special Rapporteur

UN Special Rapporteur Report on Afghanistan Adds to Momentum to Recognize Gender Apartheid as a Crime Against Humanity

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Jun 27th, 2024

UN Human Rights Expert Extends Chinese Government’s Impunity


Jun 17th, 2024

New UN Special Rapporteur’s Report Underscores Risks of Abusive Counterterrorism


Jun 12th, 2024

Irrefutable Evidence for Unspeakable Crimes? The Role of the Written Order in Proving and Denying Genocide


May 13th, 2024

Another Lost Year on Guantanamo

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Jan 11th, 2024

Accountability and Legacy at Guantanamo: Some Progress, Still A Long Way to Go


Jan 11th, 2024

States Have an Opportunity to Lead on a Torture-Free Trade Treaty

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Oct 12th, 2023

Biden Must Act on Landmark UN Special Rapporteur Guantanamo Report


Jul 17th, 2023

Takeaways from the UN Special Rapporteur Report on Guantanamo


Jun 29th, 2023

Repatriating Alleged ISIS-Linked Men from Northeast Syria: The Start of Judicial Responses to the Political Stalemate

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Feb 16th, 2023

A Big Few Weeks for Guantanamo: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


Feb 8th, 2023

Afghan Lawyers on Rule of Law’s Frontlines Need Urgent International Support

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Jan 25th, 2023

Lawyers Under Threat: Highlighting Their Plight


Jan 24th, 2023

European Court Tackles the Thorny Issue of Family Repatriation From Northeast Syria

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Sep 22nd, 2022

The Méndez Principles: Beware Crossing the Line to Psychological Torture

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Jun 25th, 2021

The Méndez Principles: A Focus on the Exclusionary Rule

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Jun 22nd, 2021

The Méndez Principles: A New Standard for Effective Interviewing by Police and Others, While Respecting Human Rights

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Jun 1st, 2021

National Security Last Week at the United Nations (March 26 – April 2)


Apr 2nd, 2021

National Security This Week at the United Nations (March 19-26)


Mar 26th, 2021

Defending Human Rights Is Not Terrorism: The Egypt Arrests as a Case in Point

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Nov 30th, 2020

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Sept. 11-18)


Sep 18th, 2020

A Post-Mortem on UN Security Council Resolution 2482 on Organized Crime and Counter-Terrorism


Aug 12th, 2019

Bold Step on Privacy and Digital Rights


Jul 8th, 2015

UN’s David Kaye on Encryption, Anonymity, and Human Rights


Jun 16th, 2015

My Agenda as New UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression


Oct 28th, 2014