Saudi Arabia

Saudi Oil Attacks Raise Questions About Nature of Yemen Conflict and Legitimate Military Targets

by and

Sep 19th, 2019

The Missing State Department Memo on US Officials’ Possible Aiding and Abetting Saudi War Crimes


Jul 24th, 2019

U.K. Court Nixes Saudi Arms Sales–What it Means for the US and Other EU Countries

by and

Jun 24th, 2019

An “Emergency” Arms Deal: Will Congress Acquiesce in Another Blow to Its Authority?

by and

Jun 6th, 2019

Bolton’s Stated Predicate for War With Iran Doesn’t Work


May 31st, 2019

Intelligence, Ethics and Bureaucracy: The Duty to Warn Jamal Khashoggi


May 7th, 2019

Trump’s `Fake News’ Tirades Embolden Arab Leaders’ Crackdowns


May 3rd, 2019

The Khashoggi Killing at Six Months: How Congress Should Move Forward


Apr 1st, 2019

National Security at the United Nations This Week


Mar 8th, 2019

Trump’s Invoking Obama Signing Statement as Reason Not to Report to Congress on Khashoggi Murder: A Roundup of Expert Views


Feb 28th, 2019

So This Is What Congress’ Getting Involved in Foreign Affairs Looks Like


Feb 14th, 2019

Congress, Saudi Arabia, and the Conflict in Yemen: Where do We Go from Here?


Feb 12th, 2019

National Security at the United Nations This Week


Feb 1st, 2019

Saudi Coalition “Admission” of Error in Bombing Cholera Treatment Center Implicates the United States


Jan 25th, 2019

A False Choice on Saudi Arabia: Sanctioning Riyadh’s Military-Intelligence Sectors is a Workable Option


Dec 17th, 2018

The Senate Strikes Back: Checking Trump’s Foreign Policy

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Dec 14th, 2018

Declassify the Khashoggi Assessment

by and

Dec 10th, 2018

Trump Administration Must Publicly Disclose the Truth About Khashoggi Murder

by and

Dec 6th, 2018

How the Senate Should Move Forward on Resolution to Withdraw from Yemen War

by and

Nov 30th, 2018

Warning Signs: President Trump May Violate Federal Law in Absolving Saudi Crown Prince

by and

Nov 24th, 2018

No Clean Hands: Reaction and Counter-Reaction in the Iranian-Saudi Proxy War in Yemen


Nov 21st, 2018

The Votes Are There for a Congressional Reckoning on Yemen


Nov 21st, 2018

Americans Have Right to Know if US Failed to Warn Khashoggi—A New Lawsuit May Get Answers


Nov 21st, 2018

Obama Officials’ Incomplete Reckoning with Failure on Yemen


Nov 19th, 2018

Misogynist Apartheid — Saudi Arabia’s Original Human Rights Sin


Nov 13th, 2018

From Brunson to Khashoggi, Global Magnitsky Sanctions Score a Mixed Record of Firsts


Nov 9th, 2018

Jamal Khashoggi, the U.S. Supreme Court and the Limits of Inviolability


Nov 5th, 2018

The Saudi Playbook: Self-Investigations of Civilian Deaths in Yemen and Khashoggi  


Oct 22nd, 2018

Options for Congress to Respond to Saudi Transgressions: Here’s What Works according to Former Senior U.S. Officials


Oct 22nd, 2018

Dispelling Some Myths About Consular Immunity and the Khashoggi Investigation


Oct 18th, 2018

Trump Gets “Presumption of Innocence” Wrong on Saudi Responsibility for Khashoggi Disappearance


Oct 18th, 2018

Trump Administration Missed Crucial Opportunity This Summer to Rein In Saudi Arabia


Oct 17th, 2018