
International Court of Justice’s Call on All States to End Israel’s Occupation and Find a Path to Peace


Jul 25th, 2024

A Synopsis of ICJ Finding Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Territory in Violation of International Law

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Jul 22nd, 2024



Mar 20th, 2024

The Implications of An ICJ Finding that Israel is Committing the Crime Against Humanity of Apartheid


Mar 20th, 2024

No Simple End: The ICJ and Remedies for Illegal Practices in the Occupied Territories

by and

Mar 12th, 2024

Israel, the United States, and the Fourth Geneva Convention


Feb 23rd, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Feb. 19-Feb. 23)


Feb 23rd, 2024

Protected Persons and the ‘Geographic Nexus’ Requirement in the DoD Law of War Manual


Feb 6th, 2024

In Gaza, Catastrophic Violence of War and Slow Violence of Oppression Collide


Nov 8th, 2023

Unpacking Key Assumptions Underlying Legal Analyses of the 2023 Hamas-Israel War

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Oct 30th, 2023

Red Alert: Who will protect the Palestinians?

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Mar 27th, 2023

Israel is Annexing the West Bank. Don’t be Misled by its Gaslighting

by , and

Feb 9th, 2023

The Law of Occupation Must Address the Lives of Women and Girls


Oct 12th, 2022

Припиніть говорити «анексовані території»: альтернативи терміну агресора


Oct 5th, 2022

Stop Saying “Annexed Territories”: Alternatives to the Bully’s Term


Oct 5th, 2022

Q&A on Russia-Backed Referendums in Eastern Ukraine and International Law

by and

Sep 24th, 2022

Hidden In Plain Sight: US Nonprofits As Drivers of Illegal Israeli Settlements


Jun 10th, 2022

Israel’s West Bank Ordinance: The Latest Effort to Suppress Palestinian Civil Society


Jun 8th, 2022

Звіт ОБСЄ про воєнні злочини в Україні: ключові висновки


Apr 15th, 2022

The OSCE Report on War Crimes in Ukraine: Key Takeaways


Apr 15th, 2022

Russia, the Int’l Criminal Court, and the Malign Legacy of the U.S. “War on Terror”


Apr 1st, 2022

Russia’s “Occupation by Proxy” of Eastern Ukraine – Implications Under the Geneva Conventions


Feb 22nd, 2022

The International Community and Israel: Giving Permission to a Permanent Occupation        


Jan 7th, 2022

Preliminary but Necessary: The Question of the Applicability of the Notion of Apartheid to Occupied Territory


Dec 2nd, 2021

Decolonizing the ICC: The Situation in Palestine and Beyond


Mar 8th, 2021

The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict and the Exercise of “Self-Defense” to Recover Occupied Land

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Nov 10th, 2020

Extrajudicial Executions from the United States to Palestine 


Aug 7th, 2020

Russia’s Humanitarian Law Obligations to Civilians in Occupied Ukrainian Territories in the Time of COVID-19

by , and

Apr 23rd, 2020

The Benefits (and Drawbacks) of the UN Database on Businesses Contributing to Israeli Settlements


Mar 10th, 2020

Germany Goes 19th Century with New Statement on Law of Occupation — On Status of US Forces in Syria


Feb 19th, 2020

Why the Settlements are a Problem for Benjamin Netanyahu


Dec 19th, 2019

Assessing Turkey’s “Resettlement” Plans in Syria under the Law of Occupation

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Oct 23rd, 2019