Human Rights

Just Security’s Climate Archive


May 30th, 2024

Deaths, Torture, and Arbitrary Detention in the Wake of the Islamic State in Syria: The US Responsibility to Act

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May 30th, 2024

More States Open to Considering Gender Apartheid for Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty

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May 24th, 2024

Support Grows for Gender Justice at UN Session on Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty


May 23rd, 2024

Imprisoned Writer Serving 9 Years Illustrates Vietnam’s Crackdown on Expression


May 17th, 2024

The Register of Damages for Ukraine Opens for Claims Submissions


May 16th, 2024

What Can Repair Look Like Through a Syrian Victims’ Fund?

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May 16th, 2024

As EU and Local Elections Approach, Hungary’s Civil Society Braces for Renewed Government Assault


May 15th, 2024

On Georgia’s `Russian Law,’ Amendments Are a Trap: The West Should Just Say No

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May 15th, 2024

Non-Coercive Interrogation Outlined in New UN Manual Advances Méndez Principles

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May 15th, 2024

How the Georgian Government, Once a US Ally, Became an Adversary, Against the Wishes of Its Protesting Citizens

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May 14th, 2024

Amid Russia’s Aggression Towards Ukraine, Can Religious Freedom Endure?


May 10th, 2024

The Case for Admitting Kosovo to the Council of Europe


May 2nd, 2024

Refuting Srebrenica Genocide Denial Yet Again, as UN Debates Draft Resolution


Apr 29th, 2024

The U.N. Security Council Must Treat All Victims of Sexual Violence Equally


Apr 23rd, 2024

Protect Democracy by Defending its Defenders


Apr 16th, 2024

Iran’s Hijab and Chastity Bill Underscores the Need to Codify Gender Apartheid


Apr 11th, 2024

Russian Human Rights Activist Vladimir Kara-Murza Marks Two Years Behind Bars


Apr 10th, 2024

Strasbourg’s “Case of the Century” – Revolutionary Climate Judgment from the European Court of Human Rights


Apr 10th, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Apr. 1-5)


Apr 4th, 2024

A Simple US Step Can Help Protect Another Imprisoned Democracy Activist in Russia

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Apr 1st, 2024

The UK Is Failing to Recoup Ill-gotten Gains Linked to the Syrian Regime


Apr 1st, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Mar. 25-29)


Mar 29th, 2024

Confronting Forced Demographic Change in Northern Syria: Inclusive Justice for Sustainable Peace


Mar 25th, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Mar. 18-22)


Mar 22nd, 2024

Three Options for Designing a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

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Mar 21st, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: Crisis in Haiti

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Mar 19th, 2024

Legal, Political, and Administrative Considerations for Establishing a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

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Mar 18th, 2024

Putin’s Staged Election Belies Resistance — Russian Court Data Tells the Real Story


Mar 15th, 2024

Consolidating the Aftermath of Justice – The Idea of a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

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Mar 13th, 2024

Introducing the Symposium on the Creation of a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

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Mar 13th, 2024

Hazara Women: How Gender and Ethnicity Intersect in the Taliban’s Repression

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Mar 7th, 2024

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