
The Just Security Podcast: The Battle for Sudan

by , , and

May 2nd, 2023

On Eve of Marcos Visit, US Must Center Human Rights in US-Philippines Security Relationship


Apr 28th, 2023

After ICJ’s “Certain Iranian Assets” Judgment, Iran and United States Both Claim Victory


Apr 17th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: The M23 Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo

by , , , and

Apr 14th, 2023

A Decade Ago, the Obama Administration Acted When the M23 Terrorized Eastern DRC. Will Biden Do the Same?

by and

Apr 13th, 2023

Запитання та відповіді експертів щодо конфіскації активів у війні Росії проти України


Apr 3rd, 2023

Expert Q&A on Asset Seizure in Russia’s War in Ukraine


Apr 3rd, 2023

Senate Foreign Relations Committee FY2024 State Department Budget Hearing: Key Takeaways


Mar 23rd, 2023

Why the European Commission’s Proposal for Russian State Asset Seizure Should be Abandoned


Mar 23rd, 2023

Breaking Down Barriers to Emergency Earthquake Aid in Syria

by and

Mar 16th, 2023

Lessons From a Year of War in Ukraine


Mar 1st, 2023

The Treasury Department’s Material Support Carveouts are a Welcomed First Step – But Congress Must Act to Create a Sustainable Fix

by and

Jan 24th, 2023

The Urgency of Sustaining Momentum in the Fight Against Kleptocracy


Oct 4th, 2022

How Congress Should Designate Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism


Sep 27th, 2022

Dancing with the ‘Devil’ in Iran: Why Negotiations with Tehran are Necessary


Sep 26th, 2022

Річард Гоуен про Україну та те, як російська війна дається взнаки в ООН


Sep 20th, 2022

Richard Gowan on Ukraine and How Russia’s War Reverberates at the United Nations


Sep 20th, 2022

Politics, Not Law, Is Key to Confiscating Russian Central Bank Assets


Aug 17th, 2022

After a Year of Privation With the Taliban’s Return, the People of Afghanistan Deserve Better from the US and the World

by and

Aug 15th, 2022

Myanmar Junta’s Execution of Activists Casts Harsh Light on Lack of U.S. Sanctions on Oil and Gas


Aug 3rd, 2022

The Biden Administration’s China Policy: An Inventory of Actions to Address the Challenge 


Jul 8th, 2022

South Sudan: The Road to a Living Hell, Paved with Peace Deals

by and

Jun 13th, 2022

Наступний акт Путіна в Україні – і як США та союзники можуть підготуватися


Apr 15th, 2022

Putin’s Next Play in Ukraine – And How the US and Allies Can Prepare


Apr 15th, 2022

Time to Walk the Talk on Human Rights Abuses in India


Apr 11th, 2022

How States Like California Are Bolstering Federal Sanctions Against Russia


Apr 5th, 2022

The Russia Sanctions – How They Work and What Congress Needs to Know

by and

Mar 31st, 2022

Why Congress Should Stay Out of U.S. Sanctions Policy on Russia


Mar 21st, 2022

From Chechnya to Crimea, Putin Saw Green Light for His Assault on the World Order

by and

Mar 18th, 2022

Commit Fully To Sanctions Now To Help Ukraine


Mar 10th, 2022

New Export Controls Distinguish Between Exports to Russia and Deemed Exports to Russian Nationals


Mar 9th, 2022

U.S. Under Secretary of State Nuland on Accelerating Aid to Ukraine and Sanctions Against Russia


Mar 9th, 2022

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