Law enforcement

DHS IG Cuffari’s Actions Exhibit Clear Pattern: Unwillingness or Inability to Meet the Mission


Aug 11th, 2022

Expert Backgrounder: Criminal Statutes that Could Apply to Trump’s Retention of Government Documents

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Aug 9th, 2022

The Biden Administration’s Senseless Opposition to Congress’s Effort to Prevent Abusive National Guard Deployments

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Jul 28th, 2022

The Easiest Case for the Prosecution: Trump’s Aiding and Abetting Unlawful Occupation of the Capitol


Jul 21st, 2022

Strongest Evidence of Guilt: Chart Tracking Trump’s Knowledge and Intent in Efforts to Overturn the Election

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Jul 11th, 2022

Failing to Prosecute Trump Reflects – and Feeds – US Rule of Law Erosion


Jun 21st, 2022

8 Top Former Prosecutors, Senior DOJ Officials on Key New Evidence in Effort to Pressure Pence


Jun 18th, 2022

“Witnesses with Baggage” — Anticipating the Jan 6 Hearings and Related Investigations


Jun 6th, 2022

Sobre el nuevo protocolo sobre vigilancia transfronteriza en materia de cibercrimen, un llamado a la cautela

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May 13th, 2022

On New Cross-Border Cybercrime Policing Protocol, a Call for Caution

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May 13th, 2022

Amid New Trial, End of Chinese Espionage “Initiative” Brings Little Relief to US Academics Caught in Net of Fear

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Mar 22nd, 2022

Fixing the FARA Mess


Mar 16th, 2022

“Freedom Convoy” Occupation Highlights Canada’s Security Challenges


Feb 14th, 2022

Foreign Agents Registration Act Reform: On the 2022 Agenda?

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Feb 7th, 2022

FARA’s Next Big Year

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Jan 31st, 2022

Why Ending the Justice Department’s “China Initiative” is Vital to U.S. Security

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Jan 3rd, 2022

In South Sudan, Keep UN Peacekeepers Focused on Evolving Risks for Civilians


Dec 17th, 2021

We Now Know What Information the FBI Can Obtain from Encrypted Messaging Apps


Dec 14th, 2021

The Absence of “The Donald”

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Dec 6th, 2021

On Ransomware, Cyber Command Should Take a Backseat


Nov 30th, 2021

Abuse of Interpol for Transnational Repression: Assessing the FY22 NDAA’s Provisions for Prevention

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Nov 10th, 2021

With America Out of a Major Foreign War, Time to End One at Home


Sep 14th, 2021

The National Guard at Lafayette Square and the January 6th Attempted Insurrection: Fixes for the FY2022 NDAA

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Aug 31st, 2021

Cybercrime is Dangerous, But a New UN Treaty Could Be Worse for Rights


Aug 13th, 2021

A Flaw in the Attorney General’s Policy Against Seizing Reporters’ Records


Aug 11th, 2021

Now the Important Part: Implementing DOJ’s Task Force on Election Worker Threats

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Aug 2nd, 2021

Encryption Originalism


Jul 16th, 2021

Reforming the FISA Process: Tweak or Overhaul?


Jun 30th, 2021

The Méndez Principles: The Case for US Legislation on Law Enforcement Interviews


Jun 29th, 2021

The Méndez Principles: Beware Crossing the Line to Psychological Torture

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Jun 25th, 2021

Duque’s War in Colombia: High Stakes For UN, OAS, and Biden Administration as Human Rights Crisis Spins Out of Control


Jun 22nd, 2021

The Méndez Principles: A Focus on the Exclusionary Rule

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Jun 22nd, 2021

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