Rehabilitating the Islamic State’s Women and Children Returnees in Kazakhstan


Dec 12th, 2019

No Place to Hide, No Place to Post: Lessons from Recent Efforts at “De-Platforming” ISIS


Dec 5th, 2019

Nearly 20 Years Later: It’s Time to Reset Our Approach to Countering Terrorism

by and

Nov 14th, 2019

The US Mission Tied to Syrian Oil Fields May Prove the Worst of All Strategic Options


Nov 12th, 2019

Congress Must Act to Protect Those Who’ve Supported Us in Syria

by and

Nov 11th, 2019

ISIS Suspect Transfers to Iraq Replete with Risks


Oct 31st, 2019

Northeastern Syria: Complex Criminal Law in a Complicated Battlespace


Oct 28th, 2019

“With a Little Help from Our Friends”: Prosecuting the ISIL “Beatles” in U.S. Courts

by and

Oct 22nd, 2019

The German Constitutional Court on the Right of Self-Defense Against ISIS in Syria

by and

Oct 16th, 2019

Returning Foreign Fighters and Their Families Takes on New Urgency After Trump’s Syria Decision


Oct 8th, 2019

Condemned to Death Abroad: The Case of French ISIS Members in Iraq


Sep 18th, 2019

Part III: The Muddy Middle: A New Framework for Use of Force

by and

Aug 16th, 2019

Part II: The Muddy Middle: Challenges of Applying Use of Force Policy Guidance in Practice

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Aug 15th, 2019

Legislative Responses to ISIS Returnees Take a New Twist in Australia


Jul 26th, 2019

Now is the Time to Repeal the 2002 AUMF


Jul 11th, 2019

Repatriating ISIS Families: An Opportunity to Show that “Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism” Can Work

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Jun 14th, 2019

Time to Bring Women and Children Home from Iraq and Syria


Jun 4th, 2019

Citizenship-Stripping and ISIS Members: The Recent UK Experience


Mar 11th, 2019

What’s the Mission in Syria? The Answer May be Illegal and Without U.S. Allies’ Support


Feb 25th, 2019

Unpacking (Some of) the Legal Issues Surrounding Hoda Muthana


Feb 20th, 2019

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Does the McConnell amendment provide a justification for military operations against Iran?

by and

Feb 7th, 2019

Bringing ISIS to Justice: Running Out of Time?


Feb 5th, 2019

Could U.S. Withdrawal from Syria Lead to War Between Russia and Turkey?


Dec 26th, 2018

The “ISIS Beatles” and “Non-Territorial” Application of the European Convention of Human Rights


Dec 17th, 2018

UN Review Should Help Children Caught in ISIS Conflict


Dec 12th, 2018

Iraq’s So-Called “ISIS Families”: Rounded up, Vilified, Forgotten


Nov 14th, 2018

Sisi’s World Youth Forum Celebrations in South Sinai Do Not Reflect the Reality in North Sinai


Nov 12th, 2018

Ensuring a Human Rights-Compliant Approach to the Challenge of Foreign Fighters


Nov 7th, 2018

Exclusive: U.N. Human Rights Experts Meet With Facebook on “Overly Broad” Definitions of Terrorist Content


Sep 3rd, 2018

Condolence Payments for Civilian Casualties: Lessons for Applying the New NDAA


Aug 28th, 2018

The Latest ISIS Casualty? UK’s Principled Opposition to the Death Penalty


Jul 26th, 2018

Corker’s Proposal Hands Trump A Dangerous, Open-Ended War Authorization


Apr 16th, 2018