
Amid Courts’ Role in US Democracy Struggle, Look to Lessons from Abroad


Feb 29th, 2024

Book Excerpt: “Attack from Within: How Disinformation is Sabotaging America” by Barbara McQuade


Feb 26th, 2024

The ABA Urges Action Against Abusive Commercial Spyware, and Policymakers Should Listen


Feb 16th, 2024

Multiple Threats Converge to Heighten Disinformation Risks to This Year’s US Elections

by , and

Feb 16th, 2024

Dissecting Trump’s “Peacefully and Patriotically” Defense of the January 6th Attack

by , and

Feb 8th, 2024

The Democratic Price of Countering Authoritarianism


Jan 22nd, 2024

Does the US Response to India’s Alleged Extraterritorial Assassination Schemes Signal Impunity?


Jan 10th, 2024

How the KKK Produced the Department of Justice

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Jan 8th, 2024

Introduction to Expert Statements on Role of Extremism in Social and News Media, submitted to January 6th House Select Committee

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Jan 6th, 2024

Nine Stories That Deserved More Attention in 2023 – and That May Shape 2024


Dec 29th, 2023

The US Can — and Must — Counter Russian Influence Undermining Kyrgyzstan’s Democratic Progress

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Dec 22nd, 2023

La liberación de Fujimori es una alerta roja para la democracia peruana


Dec 12th, 2023

Ex-President’s Release Raises a Red Flag on Peru’s Democracy


Dec 12th, 2023

When Authoritarians Undermine Multilateral Institutions: The OSCE at 50


Dec 11th, 2023

The Biden Administration Should Continue Rebuffing NSO Group’s Latest Lobbying Efforts.

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Nov 29th, 2023

Amid Africa’s Spate of Coups, Improved Election Observation Will be Crucial to Transition

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Nov 28th, 2023

To Avert Climate Crisis, Democracies Need to Protect Civic Space


Nov 27th, 2023

Is AI the Right Sword for Democracy?


Nov 13th, 2023

New Rule of Law Index: Spread of Authoritarianism Slows But Justice Systems Are Failing

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Oct 25th, 2023

Poland: Why Rule of Law Matters as the Country Faces a Pivotal Election

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Oct 13th, 2023

On Eve of Elections, Polish Democracy is Subverted by Autocratic Media Advantage

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Oct 5th, 2023

In the Shadow of a Flawed Election, How Can Zimbabwe – and Its International Partners — Move Forward?


Sep 27th, 2023

Tracking UNGA 78: Notable Moments and Key Themes

by , and

Sep 27th, 2023

An Exodus of Professionals: The End of Politics in Turkey?


Sep 25th, 2023

Baby on Board! How Kleptocrats and Associates Use Family Members to Evade Sanctions

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Sep 19th, 2023

Tucker Carlson, Viktor Orbán and the Anti-Democracy Playbook

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Sep 15th, 2023

Openings for Biden in the Inaugural US-Central Asia Summit at UNGA

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Sep 14th, 2023

Landslide Victory by Guatemala’s Social Democrats Spurs Furious Backlash


Aug 31st, 2023

The Overlooked but Potent Artist in the Fight Against Autocracy


Aug 28th, 2023

The Character to Lead: Republicans’ Fork in the Road Between Trump and the Constitution’s Eligibility Requirements for President


Aug 22nd, 2023

How Military Leaders Can Navigate a Crisis of Democracy: Lessons from the Reservist Protests in Israel

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Aug 17th, 2023

The Legal Takeover of the Manifestly Unlawful Order Doctrine in Israel


Aug 14th, 2023

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