Congressional Oversight

Peace Is Threatened Again in Bosnia, A Quarter Century after Dayton

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Oct 22nd, 2021

Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community: Know Risk, Know Reward


Oct 19th, 2021

Failure to Warn: War Powers Reporting and the “War on Terror” in Africa


Oct 4th, 2021

Modern History of Disclosure of Presidential Records: On the Boundaries of “Executive Privilege”

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Sep 30th, 2021

Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community: The Tangled Web of Budget & Acquisition


Sep 28th, 2021

Five Principles to End the Forever War


Sep 7th, 2021

Afghanistan: A Tragic Lesson of the US Military’s Flawed Approach to Capacity Building


Sep 6th, 2021

Why a Trump Lawsuit to “Protect” Executive Privilege Could Backfire


Aug 30th, 2021

Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community: Culture is Critical


Aug 17th, 2021

The Broader Significance of the Justice Dep’t Opinion on Congress Obtaining Trump Tax Records


Aug 13th, 2021

Questions for Senators to Ask the Biden Administration at AUMF Hearing


Jul 31st, 2021

The Top US Diplomat on Arms Control Commits to `Values-Based Security Partnerships’ — Here’s How to Do That


Jul 30th, 2021

Congress, Stop Trying to Sabotage Diplomacy with Iran


Jul 27th, 2021

Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community: Money is Not Enough


Jul 12th, 2021

War Powers Guard Rails Can Keep the U.S. From Sliding into a New Middle East War

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Jul 2nd, 2021

Scaling the Wall of Resistance: How Congress Can Compel Executive Branch Cooperation in a Jan. 6 Investigation

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Jun 24th, 2021

A Pandemic Isn’t the Only Kind of “Catastrophic Risk.” It’s Time to Prepare More Seriously for the Next.

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Jun 15th, 2021

Questions for FBI Director Wray About the January 6 Attack

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Jun 14th, 2021

What Should Happen With the January 6th Investigation Now? Experts Weigh In.


Jun 9th, 2021

The Next Best Option if a January 6 Commission Fails


May 24th, 2021

The Hidden Rules that Govern Our Supply Chains


May 14th, 2021

Getting to the Bottom of Jan. 6 Is Proving Too Difficult for Congress


May 13th, 2021

Investigating Jan. 6 — Key Unanswered Questions for Congress and Media to Ask

by , , and

May 11th, 2021

To Thwart the Illegal Narcotics Trade, Expose the Dark Economy


May 11th, 2021

Key Takeaways From Latest FISA Court Opinion on Section 702 and FBI Warrantless Queries


Apr 28th, 2021

An Opportunity for Congress to Require Transparency of the Executive’s International Agreements

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Apr 21st, 2021

Investigating a Crisis: A Comparison of Six U.S. Congressional Investigatory Commissions

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Apr 6th, 2021

An Alternative to Impeachment: New Bill Helps Enforce Accountability for Capitol Riots

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Mar 30th, 2021

Legally Sliding into War


Mar 15th, 2021

Give Local Civil Society a Say in U.S. Security Assistance

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Feb 9th, 2021

Congress Now Has More Power to Shed Light on Trump’s Abuses of Power

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Feb 2nd, 2021

The Incapacitation of a President and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment: A Reader’s Guide

by , , , , , and

Jan 6th, 2021

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