
Robert Menendez Guilty: The Significance of the First ‘Foreign Agent’ Conviction of a U.S. Senator


Jul 19th, 2024

Political Violence in the United States Is Rising – and It Might Be Up to Americans to Say “Enough!”


Jul 19th, 2024

Time for U.S. Intelligence to Ask: How Did We Alienate so Many Americans?

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Jul 18th, 2024

The State Department’s Civilian Harm Incident Response Guidance: How to Make a Good Thing Better


Jul 18th, 2024

Sweeping ICC Sanctions Bill Would Harm Victims, U.S. Interests


Jul 17th, 2024

Three Flaws in the Supreme Court’s Decision on Presidential Criminal Immunity


Jul 17th, 2024

How ‘Economic Security’ is Re-shaping Presidential Power

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Jul 16th, 2024

The Supreme Court Seemed to Punt on Social Media and the First Amendment. It Actually Protected Content Moderation.


Jul 11th, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: Presidential Immunity After Trump v. United States

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Jul 3rd, 2024

Children’s Personal Photos Are Powering AI Exploitation


Jun 27th, 2024

Is Secret Law the Solution to an Overbroad Surveillance Authority?


Jun 11th, 2024

Transparency of International Agreements Under the Revised Case-Zablocki Act: An Assessment After Six Months

by , and

Jun 10th, 2024

Israel and the Leahy Law


Jun 10th, 2024

The Nuts and Bolts of Enforcing AI Guardrails

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May 30th, 2024

The ICC Arrest Warrants: Even a Strong U.S. Reaction Should Not Include Sanctions


May 22nd, 2024

Do Not Destroy the Int’l Criminal Court for Pursuing Accountability in Gaza


May 17th, 2024

As EU and Local Elections Approach, Hungary’s Civil Society Braces for Renewed Government Assault


May 15th, 2024

State Department Submits Key Report to Congress on Israel’s Use of US Weapons


May 10th, 2024

Keeping Count: Major Adverse Legal Findings Against Donald Trump (Nov. 2020-2024)

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May 2nd, 2024

What U.S. Policymakers Can Learn from the European Union’s Probe of Meta


May 1st, 2024

An Oversight Model for AI in National Security: The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board

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Apr 26th, 2024

Unpacking the FISA Section 702 Reauthorization Bill


Apr 18th, 2024

At the Supreme Court, Public Corruption Jurisprudence and Lack of Meaningful Ethics Reform Go Hand-in-Hand

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Apr 15th, 2024

House Meeting on White House AI Overreach Highlights Congressional Inaction

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Apr 12th, 2024

Russian Human Rights Activist Vladimir Kara-Murza Marks Two Years Behind Bars


Apr 10th, 2024

The SAFE Act Is No “Compromise” and Won’t Leave Americans Safer


Apr 5th, 2024

Section 620I: No Military Assistance to States Restricting U.S. Humanitarian Assistance


Mar 19th, 2024

Another Funding Delay in Congress that Thwarts US Strategy in the Pacific: the Marshall Islands


Mar 4th, 2024

What Should Courts do if a Future President Invokes the Alien Enemies Act to Deport Immigrants?


Feb 27th, 2024

Why and How the Senate Should Swiftly Dismiss the Impeachment Charges Against Mayorkas

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Feb 14th, 2024

Not Reassuring: NSM-20 and the Limits of Law-of-War Assurances in the Transfer of U.S. Arms


Feb 13th, 2024

The Facts About Electronic Surveillance Reform


Jan 31st, 2024

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