Classified Information

Lessons from Petraeus’s Guilty Plea for Trump’s Classified Docs Investigation


Aug 10th, 2022

Expert Backgrounder: Criminal Statutes that Could Apply to Trump’s Retention of Government Documents

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Aug 9th, 2022

On El Salvador’s 1981 El Mozote Massacre, President Bukele Sides With Impunity


Oct 28th, 2020

Breaking: Colonel Montano, Extradited from the United States, Found Guilty of the Jesuits Massacre by Spanish Court


Sep 11th, 2020

Time to Fix a Broken Declassification System

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Sep 8th, 2020

Notes on John Bolton’s Brief Opposing the Government’s Motion to Enjoin Publication of His Book

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Jun 19th, 2020

Questions for the Government in the Bolton Book TRO Hearing(s)

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Jun 18th, 2020

Assessing the Government’s Lawsuit Against John Bolton [UPDATED after Wednesday’s filing of a TRO motion]

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Jun 17th, 2020

Anticipating Phase Two of the Trumped Up “Obamagate”


May 15th, 2020

A District Court Endorses a Broken Prepublication Review System

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Apr 21st, 2020

The Legally Troubling Treatment of COVID-19 Meetings as Classified


Mar 17th, 2020

The Gravity of Michael Ellis’ Promotion to Senior Director for Intelligence at the White House


Mar 4th, 2020

Barr’s Personal, Ad Hoc Declassification Authority and the Role of Congress


Dec 9th, 2019

GOP “Storming” of Secure Facility for Impeachment Proceedings: An Explainer


Oct 23rd, 2019

Nuts and Bolts of the IG Report on Comey: Correcting Misconceptions


Sep 3rd, 2019

The Pattern and Practice of Trump’s Assaults on the Intelligence Community

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Sep 3rd, 2019

Bill Barr’s Dangerous New Powers

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May 28th, 2019

Declassify the Khashoggi Assessment

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Dec 10th, 2018

Trump’s Ability to Classify Mueller Report Is Greater Threat Than Executive Privilege


Sep 17th, 2018

Trump Declassifying Page, Ohr Records Will Have Broader Effects


Sep 11th, 2018

Why the White House “System” for Security Clearances is an Intelligence Emergency


Feb 12th, 2018

It is up to House Intel Committee, not Trump, whether to release Democratic memo on the Page FISA application


Feb 9th, 2018

You Don’t Need to Know What’s in the Nunes Memo to Worry About Its Release


Jan 29th, 2018

Trump’s Disclosure Did Not Break the Law


May 23rd, 2017

Norms Watch: Tracking the Erosion of Democratic Traditions (May 12-19)


May 19th, 2017

So You Want to Share Intelligence with Russia … There Are Less Risky Ways to Do It


May 18th, 2017

Why Trump’s Disclosure to Russia (and Urging Comey to Drop the Flynn Investigation, and Various Other Actions) Could Be Unlawful

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May 17th, 2017

Assessing the Damage of the President’s Intelligence Sharing with Russia


May 17th, 2017

Don’t Be So Quick to Call Those Disclosures “Legal”


May 17th, 2017

The Flagrant Foul in Trump’s Disclosure of Classified Info to Russia: The Missing Interagency Process


May 16th, 2017

Five Takeaways from Gen. H.R. McMaster Press Briefing


May 16th, 2017

Just How Sensitive Was the Information Trump Reportedly Revealed to the Russians?


May 16th, 2017