We Can’t “Look Forward” on the Trump Administration’s Abuses


Dec 11th, 2020

How to Revitalize the Intelligence Community: A Long, But Essential To-Do List


Dec 4th, 2020

CIA Is Losing Its Best and Brightest and Not Just Because of Trump


Dec 2nd, 2020

On Accountability and the Next Presidency, Starting With the Cabinet

by and

Nov 23rd, 2020

A Letter to President-Elect Biden on Restoring Relations with the Intelligence Community

by and

Nov 9th, 2020

Loyalty Above All: The “Shallow State” of the Trump Administration

by and

Nov 2nd, 2020

Investigation Highlights Transparency Need on US, UK Roles in Kenyan Counterterrorism


Oct 28th, 2020

A Blueprint for the Future: The CIA in 2021 and Beyond

by and

Oct 20th, 2020

A Case for More Compassionate Leadership at CIA


Sep 28th, 2020

Toward a New Approach to National and Human Security: Uphold the Prohibition on Torture

by , , , , and

Sep 11th, 2020

Toward a New Approach to National and Human Security: End Unlawful, Secret, and Unaccountable Use of Lethal Force

by , , , , and

Sep 11th, 2020

Two Regional Human Rights Tribunals Forge Ahead Despite Trump’s Attacks on International Institutions

by and

Aug 25th, 2020

The Ties That Bind: The CIA in the Face of Presidential Attack


Aug 18th, 2020

What Durham Is Investigating and Why It Poses a Danger to US Intelligence Analysis


Jul 25th, 2020

Trump Pushed CIA to Give Intelligence to Kremlin, While Taking No Action Against Russia Arming Taliban


Jul 8th, 2020

The CIA’s Long and Winding Road to Diversity


Jul 1st, 2020

Trump’s Rationale for Attacking the ICC—Continuity with Bush and Obama’s War on Terrorism


Jun 25th, 2020

Pompeo’s Personal Stake in the International Criminal Court’s Afghan Investigation

by and

Jun 3rd, 2020

A District Court Endorses a Broken Prepublication Review System

by , , and

Apr 21st, 2020

Seek and Speak the Truth


Apr 16th, 2020

ICC Afghanistan Torture Investigation Likely to Turn on Criminal Intent


Apr 15th, 2020

Iran’s Murder of an American, CIA Contractor Bob Levinson, Suggests Impunity at Home Too


Apr 7th, 2020

The Middle East Peace “Vision” From an Old CIA Hand


Mar 3rd, 2020

Guantanamo’s Ugly Taint on U.S. Diplomacy


Feb 13th, 2020

The CIA in the Age of Trump


Feb 10th, 2020

How to Think About the Soleimani Strike in Four Questions


Jan 17th, 2020

How Late DCI William Colby Saved the CIA, and What That Can Teach Us Today


Jan 16th, 2020

The President, His Relationship with Intelligence, and the Soleimani Strike


Jan 15th, 2020

ICC Holds Historic Hearing on U.S. Torture and Other Grave Crimes in Afghanistan

by and

Dec 23rd, 2019

A Call to Arms: Taking the Russia Threat Seriously


Dec 6th, 2019

Clear Goal of Barr/Durham Probe is to Scare Off Intelligence Community


Nov 25th, 2019

Event Roundup: From the Executive Branch to Congress – National Security Leaders Who Crossed the Divide


Nov 13th, 2019

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