Civilian Harm

Sudan Today Follows Decades of Justice Denied


Jun 26th, 2023

Perspectives on Gender Persecution: Colombia’s Transitional Justice Process


Jun 23rd, 2023

Pentagon Investigation into Syria Strike: A Litmus Test for Civilian Harm Response

by and

Jun 23rd, 2023

Le monde réagira-t-il à une possible agression de la République démocratique du Congo par le Rwanda?


Jun 21st, 2023

Will the World Respond to Potential Rwandan Aggression Against the Democratic Republic of the Congo?


Jun 21st, 2023

Співпраця США з МКС у розслідуванні та злочинів в Україні: Можливості та виклики


Jun 20th, 2023

US Cooperation with the ICC to Investigate and Prosecute Atrocities in Ukraine: Possibilities and Challenges


Jun 20th, 2023

Cluster Munition Convention Offers Roadmap for New Autonomous Weapons Treaty


May 30th, 2023

Death by Drones: Does the Pentagon Always Know Who it is Killing?


May 22nd, 2023

Differences ‘Getting Narrower’ on Proposed Crimes Against Humanity Treaty

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May 15th, 2023

Biden Must Deliver on Disarmament at the G7 Summit in Hiroshima

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May 5th, 2023

To End War in Sudan, Target the Generals’ War Chests


May 2nd, 2023

The Fighting in Sudan is an Armed Conflict: Here’s What Law Applies


Apr 20th, 2023

Sudan in Crisis: Humanitarian Ceasefire Urgently Needed


Apr 19th, 2023

A Decade Ago, the Obama Administration Acted When the M23 Terrorized Eastern DRC. Will Biden Do the Same?

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Apr 13th, 2023

Expert Q&A on IHL Compliance in Russia’s War in Ukraine


Apr 7th, 2023

Opaque Transparency on the Use of Force: Observations on the 2022 “1264” Report

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Mar 14th, 2023

Насильницьке переміщення Росією українських цивільних осіб: Громадянське суспільство, підзвітність, справедливість

by , and

Mar 3rd, 2023

Russia’s Forcible Transfers of Ukrainian Civilians: How Civil Society Aids Accountability and Justice

by , and

Mar 3rd, 2023

Dutch Court, Applying IHL, Delivers Civil Judgment for Victims of 2007 Afghanistan Attack


Feb 27th, 2023

A Values-based Approach to Foreign Policy? Lessons for the Biden Administration


Feb 23rd, 2023

Repatriating Alleged ISIS-Linked Men from Northeast Syria: The Start of Judicial Responses to the Political Stalemate

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Feb 16th, 2023

The US Needs a Strategy for (Human) Security Cooperation

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Feb 9th, 2023

Rephrasing the “Ethical Checklist”: Grappling with Tough Foreign Policy Choices


Feb 9th, 2023

The Treasury Department’s Material Support Carveouts are a Welcomed First Step – But Congress Must Act to Create a Sustainable Fix

by and

Jan 24th, 2023

The Limits of Remote Warfare: Aligning Values with Interests


Jan 18th, 2023

Україна та Нідерланди очікують ключових рішень в справах проти Росії за роки війни


Jan 13th, 2023

Ukraine, Netherlands Await Pivotal Rulings in Cases Against Russia from Previous Years of War


Jan 13th, 2023

Under the Pentagon’s New Civilian Harm Action Plan, Addressing Credible Cases is a Moral Imperative


Jan 4th, 2023

The FY 2023 NDAA Falls Short on Security Assistance Oversight


Dec 21st, 2022

Dutch Court, in Life Sentences: Russia Had “Overall Control” of Forces in Eastern Ukraine Downing of Flight MH17


Dec 19th, 2022

Incremental Progress on Civilian Harm in the FY2023 National Defense Bill


Dec 19th, 2022

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