Civil Liberties

Azerbaijan’s Aliyev Extends Arbitrary Detentions Even as He Prepares to Host Global Climate Conference COP29

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Jul 23rd, 2024

The Undesirable Journey of Vladimir Kara-Murza: Challenging Russia’s Repression


Jul 10th, 2024

Beyond AI Safety Narratives: How to Craft Tech-Agnostic and Neo-Luddite Futures

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Jul 10th, 2024

Welcoming the Persecuted is an American Value

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Jul 4th, 2024

Not Just Trump: America’s Growing Problem With Race


Jul 3rd, 2024

Invite Afghanistan’s Majority to the Table at Doha Envoy Talks


Jun 28th, 2024

AI at the Border: Racialized Impacts and Implications


Jun 28th, 2024

Children’s Personal Photos Are Powering AI Exploitation


Jun 27th, 2024

Government Use of AI is Expanding: We Should Hope for the Best but Safeguard Against the Worst


Jun 26th, 2024

UN Human Rights Expert Extends Chinese Government’s Impunity


Jun 17th, 2024

Introducing the Symposium on AI and Human Rights


Jun 17th, 2024

The Oversight Board Needs Access to Facebook’s Algorithms to do its Job

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Jun 14th, 2024

Is Secret Law the Solution to an Overbroad Surveillance Authority?


Jun 11th, 2024

Next UN Afghanistan Talks in Doha Must Hold Taliban to Account on Human Rights


Jun 10th, 2024

Clowns, Reverse Boycotts, and Involuntary Walkathons: How Communities are Making Political Violence Backfire


Jun 5th, 2024

Deaths, Torture, and Arbitrary Detention in the Wake of the Islamic State in Syria: The US Responsibility to Act

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May 30th, 2024

More States Open to Considering Gender Apartheid for Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty

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May 24th, 2024

Assessing the Intelligence Community’s Policy Framework for Commercially Available Information


May 24th, 2024

As DHS Implements New AI Technologies, It Must Overcome Old Shortcomings

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May 21st, 2024

Imprisoned Writer Serving 9 Years Illustrates Vietnam’s Crackdown on Expression


May 17th, 2024

As EU and Local Elections Approach, Hungary’s Civil Society Braces for Renewed Government Assault


May 15th, 2024

On Georgia’s `Russian Law,’ Amendments Are a Trap: The West Should Just Say No

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May 15th, 2024

How the Georgian Government, Once a US Ally, Became an Adversary, Against the Wishes of Its Protesting Citizens

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May 14th, 2024

Amid Russia’s Aggression Towards Ukraine, Can Religious Freedom Endure?


May 10th, 2024

An Oversight Model for AI in National Security: The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board

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Apr 26th, 2024

House Meeting on White House AI Overreach Highlights Congressional Inaction

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Apr 12th, 2024

Iran’s Hijab and Chastity Bill Underscores the Need to Codify Gender Apartheid


Apr 11th, 2024

Russian Human Rights Activist Vladimir Kara-Murza Marks Two Years Behind Bars


Apr 10th, 2024

Talking to “the Enemy” Shouldn’t be Illegal

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Apr 8th, 2024

The Year(s) of Section 702 Reform, Part VI: (Another) Looming Deadline

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Apr 5th, 2024

Bringing Transparency to National Security Uses of Artificial Intelligence

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Apr 4th, 2024

Putin’s Staged Election Belies Resistance — Russian Court Data Tells the Real Story


Mar 15th, 2024

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