Tim Zick

Guest Author

Tim Zick is the Mills E. Godwin, Jr. Professor of Law and the Cabell Research Professor of Law at William & Mary School of Law. Professor Zick is the author of many articles and two books on freedom of speech: Speech Out of Doors: Preserving First Amendment Liberties in Public Places (Cambridge University Press, 2009) and The Cosmopolitan First Amendment: Protecting Transborder Expressive and Religious Liberties (Cambridge University Press, 2014). He is currently working on a third book, The Dynamic Free Speech Clause (under contract with Oxford University Press), which will examine the intersections between freedom of speech and non-speech rights. Professor Zick is a frequent commentator in local, national, and international media regarding freedom of speech and other First Amendment issues. In 2012, he testified before a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee regarding the First Amendment rights of Occupy Wall Street protesters.

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