Peter Noorlander

Peter Noorlander is the Media Legal Defense Initiative’s (MLDI) chief executive officer. He has overall responsibility for MLDI’s work and directs its strategies. Peter is a lawyer who has specialised in the fields of media law and human rights. He has litigated at various national and international courts, including the European Court of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee, and has won standard-setting cases on issues ranging from licensing of media to excessive defamation awards. Prior to joining the Media Legal Defence Initiative, he was Senior Legal Advisor for the Open Society Foundations’ Media Program, and from 2001-2007 he served as legal officer and then senior legal officer at ARTICLE 19, the global freedom of expression organisation. Peter has also worked at Justice, the British Section of the International Commission of Jurists, and has consulted to Matrix Chambers in London. In these various roles he advised intergovernmental organisations such as the Council of Europe as well as NGOs on human rights law.

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