Shelby Limburg
Shelby Limburg is the West Coast Operations Manager at No Exceptions a non-partisan, nationwide coalition of post-9/11 generation military veterans and national security leaders who support a military-wide policy of full combat inclusion. Anyone who meets physical and mental standards should be allowed to serve and advance in the military regardless of gender. She is a Political Science graduate of Whitworth University and is currently earning her Masters at San Diego State University, where her academic work is focused on the use of Humanitarian aid to strengthen national security and foreign relations.
Articles by this author:
A Wider Talent Pool Means a Stronger Marine Corps: A Response to Rep. Hunter
by Allie Van Dine, Shelby Limburg and Katey Van Dam
Jan 21st, 2016
Female Rangers: Historic Change or Lost Opportunity?
by Allie Van Dine, Shelby Limburg and Katey Van Dam
Aug 21st, 2015