Josiah Heyman

Josiah Heyman (Ph.D., CUNY 1988) is Professor of Anthropology, Endowed Professor of Border Trade Issues, and Director of UTEP’s Center for Interamerican and Border Studies. He is the editor of the influential States and Illegal Practices (Oxford: Berg, 1999), and co-editor of Paper Trails: Migrants, Documents, and Legal Insecurity (Durham: Duke University Press) and The U.S.-Mexico Transborder Region: Cultural Dynamics and Historical Interactions (Tucson: University of Arizona Press), and the author of Finding a Moral Heart for U.S. Immigration Policy: An Anthropological
Perspective (Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association, 1998) and Life and Labor on the Border: Working People of Northeastern Sonora, Mexico, 1886-1986 (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1991). He is also author of more than one hundred and forty scholarly articles, book chapters, and essays. He can be contacted at

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