Daniel Edelstein

Guest Author

Daniel Edelstein (@turtlestein) is a geopolitical commentator, Jewish issues writer, and Brooklyn College graduate, where he received a B.A. in Political Science. He has studied global interethnic conflicts, with a particular interest in secessionist states, dual national narratives, ethnic minority rights, and how an international order of rigid state borders interacts with the plights of various groups wishing to self-determine. His pieces have been featured in the Jerusalem Post and Times of Israel, primarily focusing on the Middle East and South Caucasus.

He is also a leading member of Sulha (literally “reconciliation” in Arabic), a YouTube channel and Discord forum mostly involving Israeli-Palestinian dialogue, but which has expanded, with his recommendation, to include voices from the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. Sulha is in the works to expand to yet other ethno-territorial conflicts.

A native English speaker hailing from Brooklyn, New York, he is also fluent in Hebrew and conversational in Arabic. He plans to pursue a J.D. in the next academic year.

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