I. Syria and War Crimes

II. Microsoft Warrant Case

III. The Chilcot Report

IV. AUMF for the War Against the Islamic State

V. Torture

VI. FBI and the Clinton Email Scandal

VII. Merrick Garland and International Law

  1. Beth Van Schaack, Judge (Justice?) Merrick Garland & International Law (Tuesday, July 12)
  2. Beth Van Schaack, Judge Garland & The Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act (Wednesday, July 13)

VIII. Law of Armed Conflict & DOD Law of War Manual

  1. Marty Lederman, A Quick Response to John Merriam on Proportionality and Military Medical Personnel (Saturday, July 9)

IX. Congressional Hearings

X. Miscellaneous

  1. Diane M. Janosek, Letter to the Editor: Chairman Medine’s Dedicated Service to the PCLOB Was a Testament to Bipartisanship (Tuesday, July 12)
  2. Brian O’Neill, Visions and Revisions: Karen Greenberg on the Making of the Modern Security State (Tuesday, July 12)
  3. John Reed, Steve Vladeck, Guide to the Presidential Candidates’ National Security Positions (Wednesday, July 13)