I. Drones & Lethal Force

  1. Kurt Sanger, Guest Post: CIA Operatives Should Not Be Considered Armed Forces Under International Law (Tuesday, July 21)
  2. Laura Dickinson, Guest Post: Drone Contractors: An Oversight and Accountability Gap (Tuesday, July 21)
  3. Kate Martin, Letter to the Editor: The Geography of the War Against al-Qaeda (Thursday, July 23)

II. International Criminal Court

  1. Alex Whiting, Guest Post: The ICC Prosecutor Should Reject Judges’ Decision in Mavi Marmara (Monday, July 20)
  2. Alex Whiting, Guest Post: The ICC Prosecutor’s New Draft Strategic Plan (Wednesday, July 22)
  3. Ronald Slye, Guest Post: Obama’s Trip to Kenya: Putting Accountability and Reconciliation on the Agenda (Friday, July 24)

III. Surveillance & Transparency

IV. Torture

V. Defense Department Law of War Manual

VI. The Fourth Amendment and Extraterritorial Reach

VII. Congressional Hearings

VIII. Miscellaneous