As some of you may have noticed, I have been absent from blogging for a few weeks. I can now report my piece of good news. I am taking a leave-of-absence from Just Security in advance of a one-year appointment to the position of Special Counsel to the General Counsel at the Department of Defense. I am humbled to have this opportunity and I look forward to working with the General Counsel and my Defense Department colleagues to meet the challenges ahead.

Still less than two years old, Just Security has exceeded Steve Vladeck’s and my every expectation as a platform for high-level discussion of US national security law. It is a great source of comfort to know that Just Security will remain in the hands of Steve as well as our blue ribbon Editorial Board. Steve and the Board will of course have our exceptionally talented high-level staff — John Reed as Managing Editor and Lauren Doney as Director of Communications and Engagement — in whom we all have the greatest confidence.

I look forward to returning to teaching at NYU and resuming my role at Just Security in September 2016, having learned from my time and new colleagues in the Pentagon.

NYU Law School’s announcement of my appointment is available here.