Civilian Casualties (CIVCAS)

Congress Expands Oversight of U.S. Payments for Civilian Deaths


Dec 18th, 2019

Hidden Gems: Civilian Casualties and Use of Force Reporting Provisions in the Annual Defense Bill

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Dec 17th, 2019

Guidelines on Investigating Violations of International Humanitarian Law

by , and

Sep 16th, 2019

The UN Report and Indiscriminate Attacks in Yemen


Sep 13th, 2019

Part III: The Muddy Middle: A New Framework for Use of Force

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Aug 16th, 2019

Part II: The Muddy Middle: Challenges of Applying Use of Force Policy Guidance in Practice

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Aug 15th, 2019

The Muddy Middle: The Disappearing Lines in America’s Counterterrorism Wars and How to Restore Order

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Aug 14th, 2019

The International Security Echo-Chamber: Getting Civil Society Into the Room

by , and

Jul 31st, 2019

Revisiting General Counsel Ney’s Speech in Light of New Pentagon Leadership


Jul 31st, 2019

Defense Policy Bill Should Require Reporting of Ex Gratia Payments


Jun 13th, 2019

What’s In the New Draft National Defense Authorization Act

by , and

Jun 12th, 2019

A Critique of Defense Dept General Counsel Ney’s Remarks on the Law of War


May 29th, 2019

When War Comes to School

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May 29th, 2019

A Step in the Right Direction: Militaries Changing Policies to Stop Using Schools


May 28th, 2019

‘Flying Ginsu’ Missile Won’t Resolve U.S. Targeted Killing Controversy


May 16th, 2019

UN Secretary-General’s Annual Report on Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict: An Unequivocal Call for Respect for the Law


May 10th, 2019

The Pentagon’s 2018 Civilian Casualties Report: What’s In It and What’s Next

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May 2nd, 2019

New Pentagon Report Significantly Undercounts Civilian Casualties


May 2nd, 2019

New DoD Policy on Amends Needs to Address Transparency Gap


Apr 23rd, 2019

Transparency on Civilian Harm in Somalia Matters – Not Just to Americans

by , and

Apr 9th, 2019

Costs of War Can’t Be Assessed Without Official Civilian Casualty Estimates

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Apr 3rd, 2019

Less Transparency Won’t Fix a Lack of Transparency: A Response to Gen. Dunlap on Civilian Casualty Reporting Requirements


Mar 22nd, 2019

Breaking the Silence on Civilian Casualties from U.S. Air Strikes in Somalia


Mar 20th, 2019

Body Counts Are Terrible Way for the Public to Assess US Counter-Terrorism Operations


Mar 18th, 2019

Reflecting on the Civilian Casualty Executive Order: What Was Lost and What Can Now Be Gained


Mar 12th, 2019

Trump’s Revocation of Reporting on Lethal Strikes: All Eyes on Congress, Now


Mar 8th, 2019

The Pentagon’s Latest Report on Civilian Casualties Policy

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Feb 12th, 2019

What to Make of the Pentagon’s Internal Civilian Casualties Review, and What Comes Next

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Feb 4th, 2019

Proportionality and Doubt


Jan 29th, 2019

CENTCOM Improves Transparency of Yemen War Civilian Casualties, But Gaps Remain


Jan 28th, 2019

Chatham House Report on Proportionality in the Conduct of Hostilities — Some Key Elements


Jan 28th, 2019

Introducing Joint Symposium on Chatham House’s “Proportionality in the Conduct of Hostilities” Report


Jan 28th, 2019