
Polish Government’s Attacks on Rule of Law Violate Not Only EU Norms but International Law


Dec 11th, 2020

The UDHR, Digital Authoritarianism, and Human Rights after Trump

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Dec 10th, 2020

Biden’s Global Priority No. 1: Turn the Authoritarian Tide


Dec 8th, 2020

Cambodian Rights Activist and 55 Others Face Trial as Crackdown on Dissent Intensifies

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Nov 25th, 2020

How to Fight Truth Decay: Protect the Truth Tellers


Nov 23rd, 2020

The Women, Peace and Security Agenda at 20: Setbacks, Progress, and the Way Forward

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Oct 30th, 2020

On El Salvador’s 1981 El Mozote Massacre, President Bukele Sides With Impunity


Oct 28th, 2020

We the People: Lessons from Africa for Defeating Authoritarianism in 2020 U.S. Election


Oct 19th, 2020

Amnesty International Calls for India to Lift Account Freeze to Resume Vital Human Rights Work


Oct 10th, 2020

Don’t Believe Trump’s Latest Con: The Strongman


Sep 29th, 2020

Ethiopian Democracy Veers Off Track: What’s at Stake


Sep 28th, 2020

Justifying Absolute Political Control over DOJ, Barr Promotes Myth of Unaccountable Career Prosecutor


Sep 21st, 2020

How the US and the EU Can Support Belarus Amid Its Historic Protests


Aug 20th, 2020

Political Attacks on Eastern Europe Watchdogs Compound Threats to Democracy


Aug 14th, 2020

I Resigned from U.S. Government After My Own Leaders Began to Act Like the Autocrats I Analyzed


Aug 13th, 2020

The OSCE: A Bulwark Against Authoritarianism

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Aug 13th, 2020

How the Financial Systems America Built Enable Oppression Abroad


Jul 14th, 2020

The Demise of Government: The Grim Task of Undoing Trump’s Damage

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Jul 1st, 2020

COVID-19 en México: ¿Está en Riesgo la Democracia


Jun 22nd, 2020

COVID-19 in Mexico: Democracy is Not at Risk?


Jun 22nd, 2020

Black Lives Matter Might Just Rescue American Democracy

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Jun 16th, 2020

What Fuels Autocracies Fuels Corruption


Jun 5th, 2020

Trump’s Moves Are Right Out of the Authoritarian Playbook


Jun 3rd, 2020

Advancing Rights and Justice During a Pandemic: An Online Event Series

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May 27th, 2020

The EU Should Quarantine its Autocrats


Apr 30th, 2020

Hungary Should Not Become Patient Zero

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Apr 22nd, 2020

Assessing Emergency Powers During #COVID-19

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Apr 22nd, 2020

How Congress Can Save Lives, Protect Rights, and Exert U.S. Leadership Globally in Response to Coronavirus

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Apr 8th, 2020

Threats to Democracy Spread with the Virus, We Must Keep Both in Check


Apr 1st, 2020

Beware of Political Manipulation in Assessing Success Against the Coronavirus


Mar 31st, 2020

West Africa’s Democratic Progress is Slipping Away, Even as Region’s Significance Grows

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Mar 9th, 2020

As Trump Returns from India, Others in U.S. Must Press Modi on Rights in Kashmir and Across the Country


Feb 26th, 2020

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