
Appetite for Obstruction: How Autocrats Subvert Democracy’s Infrastructure


Oct 14th, 2021

Closing Pandora’s Box


Oct 7th, 2021

International Human Rights Fact-Finding in Hostile Environments

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Oct 1st, 2021

World Bank’s “Doing Business Index,” a Thorn for Kleptocrats, Must Be Protected


Sep 30th, 2021

System Rivalry: How Democracies Must Compete with Digital Authoritarians


Sep 27th, 2021

The Last Days in Afghanistan Should Not Deter Biden from Looking Beyond the 9/11 Paradigm


Sep 22nd, 2021

Islands of Advances in a Sea of Setbacks: Central American Rule of Law


Sep 8th, 2021

In Afghanistan, Lest We Forget


Aug 16th, 2021

A Fresh Approach: Local Thinking Should Shape the G7’s New Plan to Compete With China


Aug 12th, 2021

`In Today’s Belarus, Living Outside of Politics is No Longer an Option’


Aug 9th, 2021

How to Put Lukashenka in His Place


Aug 4th, 2021

Can Belarus Be Free? Yes, But the West Will Need to Show More Resolve – and Less Fear of Putin

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Jul 19th, 2021

Taiwan vs. Tyranny: The US Must Redouble Its Commitment to Secure this Shining Hill of Democracy in East Asia

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Jul 8th, 2021

America’s Democracy Moment


Jul 1st, 2021

A Pending Decision Pits Peace vs. Democracy in the Philippines


Jun 3rd, 2021

High-Level US Attention Needed for a Backsliding Democracy in Central Asia


Apr 22nd, 2021

Belarus Jailing of Journalists for Reporting on Peaceful Protest Violates International Law


Apr 22nd, 2021

China’s Dystopian “New IP” Plan Shows Need for Renewed US Commitment to Internet Governance

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Apr 13th, 2021

Corruption Is a National Security Threat. The CROOK Act Is a Smart Way to Fight It.

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Mar 23rd, 2021

The Fight Against Kleptocracy Should Look Beyond the West


Mar 22nd, 2021

The Noxious Nexus of Money and Politics Takes Another Turn in Central and Southeastern Europe

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Mar 18th, 2021

In India, US Defense Secretary Austin Must Not Overlook Its Democratic Decline

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Mar 16th, 2021

In Haiti’s Political Crisis, US Should Support Democracy and Human Rights

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Mar 11th, 2021

If the US Wants to Push Back on Authoritarian Agendas at the UN, Get Counterterrorism Right

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Feb 1st, 2021

The American Insurrection Was a Gain for Dictators, and a Loss for Zimbabweans


Jan 21st, 2021

On Biden’s Planned Summit: Humility, Not Hubris, Can Save Democracy


Jan 20th, 2021

US Human Rights Policy: How to Really Build Back Better

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Jan 19th, 2021

Ousted Autocratic Presidents and Their Backers in the Legislative Branch


Jan 15th, 2021

A New Assault on a Democratic Citadel in Turkey, Too

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Jan 14th, 2021

Ugandan Human Rights Lawyer Fights Charges on Eve of Presidential Election

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Jan 6th, 2021

Serbia’s Delicate Dance with the EU and China

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Dec 22nd, 2020

As China Promotes Authoritarian Model, the Resilience of Its Democratic Targets is Key

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Dec 18th, 2020