Daniel Kreiss

Daniel Kreiss (@kreissdaniel) is principal researcher at the University of North Carolina Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life, as well as the Edgar Thomas Cato Distinguished Professor at UNC’s Hussman School of Journalism and Media.

Kreiss’ research explores the impact of technological change on the public sphere and political practice. In his 2012 book from Oxford University Press — “Taking Our Country Back: The Crafting of Networked Politics from Howard Dean to Barack Obama” — Kreiss presents the untold history of new media and Democratic political campaigning over the last decade. Kreiss published a second book in 2016 entitled “Prototype Politics: The Making and Unmaking of Technological Innovation in the Republican and Democratic Parties, 2000-2014.” The book explores the role of digital media, data and analytics in contemporary campaigning, and provides an explanatory framework for understanding the differences in the two parties’ technological capacities.

Before coming to Carolina, Kreiss was a postdoctoral associate in law and fellow of the Information Society Project — an intellectual center at Yale Law School addressing the implications of new information technologies for law and society.

Kreiss’ research has appeared in New Media & Society, Critical Studies in Media Communication, the Journal of Information Technology and Politics, and the International Journal of Communication, among other journals. He is also on LinkedIn.

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